Kill Or Be Killed.

21 1 3

Rossiya Pov

I didn't know what they did to Luc but whatever it was, was bad and it was catching up to me too. The sword that had always been so light in my hands felt like lead but if I went down there was no telling what they would do to us, what Hades would do.

My memory was so muddled that I couldn't even remember how we got into this situation, the only saving grace was that I managed to link with Ares before I was cut off and since then we've been forced to fight all manner of beasts for her entertainment. I glanced up at the imperial podium, straight into her seemingly innocent russet eyes. She looked back at me and a smile plastered across her face; if you didn't look hard enough you wouldn't see sick satisfaction in those eyes. I didn't know who she was but she wasn't like Hades' other bed warmers, no. This woman had him wrapped around her finger.

The gate opened once again, a sound I had been dreading. Keres, three of them. Luc was out cold and he didn't look so good, I had to keep him safe. With trembling hands I raised my blade, not daring to move from his side. The first one lunged at me barely giving me enough time to react before its claws dug into my skin. I took advantage of her proximity and grabbed the hand that was still lodged in my side and used my free hand to take her head clean of her shoulders.

One down, two to go. Where the hell was Ares? The remaining keres came at me at once making it harder to keep up. Dots were starting to cloud my vision and I wasn't sure if it was from blood loss or poison or both. Just as my sword was about to cut down one of them I noticed the other from the corner of my eye, going for Luc. Suddenly my own safety took a backseat in my mind and all focus shifted to keeping that damn thing away from my mate.

Using the small distance between them, I threw myself backward onto Luc's body sword raised, impaling the god awful creature. With the little strength I had left I pushed it off me. My legs threatened to give out when I stood up, I was completely drained. The sword got so heavy in my hands that I couldn't even raise it; I couldn't fight anymore. My body wouldn't move.

I prayed to whatever higher power that existed beyond the gods to help me, someone, anyone. The last kere made its way to me and at the last second a voice rang out from the podium, stopping it in its tracks.

"That's enough," Hades said and my knees buckled, was it really over? The next words that left his mouth made my blood run cold, "bring me the lamia." The kere, having lost all interest in me followed his orders. Fear wrapped around me like a vice, "Don't you dare touch him!"

"Or what?"

She spoke for the second time since this ordeal started. My head snapped in her direction. "What will you do if we touch him, hm? You can't even stand up." Red dripped into my eyes. "Did you not hear your king? Bring the lamia, he'll make a nice souvenir."

I watched that thing carry Luc back the way it came, unable to do anything. "I'll kill you, and I'll make it slow."


In the very next instant I was staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling instead of the imperial podium. I must've passed out after they took Luc, "you're awake your majesty," the voice startled me and sent me straight into survival mode. I waited for them to get close enough before grabbing the knife on the bedside table.
Everything that came next happened in a blur.

"Your majesty you're not dreaming! Calm down!" A guard shouted. My grip on the maids hair tightened in response, I had my strength back and there was no way any of them were walking out of here alive if I didn't see Luc.

One of them had slipped out, they won't be so lucky. "If you don't tell me where they took him I'll cut you down, starting with her."
Silence. "Where is he! Where's Luc?!"
Nothing. Fine then.

I was about to make good on my promise when I heard the one voice I didn't want to. "Ross calm down." I whipped my head to where Hades stood, my rage increased tenfold. Suddenly the maid wasn't so important anymore, I had bigger fish to fry.

My body moved of its own accord, slamming him into the wall. Knife against his neck. I didn't see my mate in this moment, all I saw were the horrors he put Luc and I through before taking him to gods know where. "Where is Lucellion, Hades because I'll kill that bitch of yours if you don't tell me." His face remained a mask, which angered me more.

"Lucellion is perfectly fine." I didn't believe him, I would never believe him after what he did, whatever the reason. "Liar!"

"You took him because that bitch asked you, I saw you. WHERE IS MY MATE?!" I wasn't going to ask again. If he didn't tell me the truth now, I was going to kill him. Husband or not, Hades was going to die today. The people in the room tried talking some sense into me but I was way past the point of logical thinking.

"Sunshine?" That word, that one word made my entire body falter. Hades was no longer my main focus, not when I looked at the door and saw him standing there, looking nothing like he did before. A kind of relief I've never felt before washed over me and tears started to stream down my cheeks.

"Luc?" I said it more to myself than him but I couldn't move so he did it for me. Luc wrapped me in his arms and warmth of his body against mine was my undoing. My body shook with sobs in his arms while I called out his name over and over, unable to believe it.

"It's okay baby, I'm here. I'm okay, you're okay." Those words made me cling to him as if he might be ripped away from me again. "Luc... Luc," his named was the only thing I managed to get out between sobs. A hand placed itself on the small of my back and I instantly knew it was Ares. It could've been the amount of relief I felt or the sheer exhaustion that finally caught up to me but my eyes started to close.

Luc carried me in his arms while I just hid myself in his chest, I wanted to sleep but I wasn't because they could take him away again.

Well. Idk about you guys but that was something.
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This chapter was dedicated to heartzxt

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