Episode 21:The Truth

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Rishi's POV
After knowing the truth that she didn't loved anybody else literally give me a wave of relief.But at the same time I have hurt her alot and Abhinav have convinced me that me leaving Trisha will not help with the problem.She will be safe with me more.

There is some difference in Trisha's eyes , like how can it look like the eyes of the same  girl who saved my life almost 7 years ago.Trisha eyes as I remember is of Black Colour and my saviour's was Hazel nut.

Thinking about this , I went to sleep.

Next morning I have checked my mail , where Abhinav has sent me some videos and photos. In that photo the person who Trisha is stopping is non other than the same person who attached me 7 years ago.

How can she knows about him?..

I immediately called Abhinav and told him about it, he said that he hadn't asked Trisha how she knows about the man.But about the eye colour, she been an influencer was just trying lens so in the starting months she was wearing black lens but as the 6 months trial period is over so she has taken it of.

Abhinav asked-Is she the one you loved and wanted to have in your life?

I said - I really wanted her to be in my life but I am really not sure whether it's Trisha or not .

Abhinav said -don't worry we'll figure this out. We'll discuss this with Trisha Today itself.

So he invited me for dinner.

As I went to the mansion everyone behaviour with me was really well, Abhinav have already told them about the misunderstanding.There I saw Trisha in the kitchen making something with Dad.She was looking cute so I just clicked the picture and put it as the wallpaper .

She was looking cute so I just clicked the picture and put it as the wallpaper

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Father-daughter duo

As there is still time for dinner and We have to discuss the issue with Trisha , so abhinav called Trisha to the home office.

Trisha's POV
Bhai called me to the home office,Mr.Shekhawat was also there maybe he is here to discuss about divorce.

Bhai you called me.

Abhinav bhai said - yes Nat, actually we want to discuss something with you.

Mr.Shekhawat said- how you know that person showing the engagement night's video to me.

For a moment I just stared at Mr.Shekhawat and Abhinav bhai and gulp down the nervousness in my throat.

Then abhinav bhai said -we're not going to judge you Nat, just tell us.

Mr.Shekhawat said- if you feel comfortable in sharing.

I just nodded and said - first you both promise me that there is no way Reyansh Bhai is going to get the information about this.

They both looked at each other then nodded.

So it's around 9 years back,I was 15 I guess.Renesme's dad taught us driving and we have become very good at it.As you already know I have lived in the USA through the scholarship and some part time job.

One day we got any idea to start a business for that we needed money but didn't wanted to take it from our parents so I didn't told Reyansh Bhai and Ayu about this.

Renesme know some people who are into illegal racing, Renesme already have a car so we started the illegal racing at the age of 16 and after collecting good about of money we started a business at 17.

I turned 19 by this time , one day we came across a child who was diagnosed with SCID, they required funds and that time our company is not also doing well so I again started the racing.It was the last day of racing after winning the race we're just celebrating when I saw this person(attacker) following another person who is literally drenched in blood I was not able to see his face , he was already half unconscious so I rushed him to the hospital in the nearby car and asked Renesme to distract the attacker and go to the other side.He won't have seen my face obviously because I have fully covered it just my eyes were visible.As it was an illegal racing so Renesme has introduced me to the other people as Natasha only. And I'm medical student only so didn't wanted to get into trouble.

That's how I meet the attacker.

Both Mr.Shekhawat and Abhinav Bhai was in shock, but after coming out of the scene what they said had put me in shock.

Abhinav Bhai said- the man you saved is none other than Rishi, your husband.

I looked at Mr.Shekhawat and he nodded.

By this time mom called us for dinner.

That is for the chapter guys, hope you like the chapter.

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