Episode16: Dealing with the Underworld

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Author's POV
Earlier on Karwa Chuth Day
Rishi leaned back in his leather chair, his gaze fixed on the city skyline visible through the window of his lavish office. He tapped his fingers impatiently on the polished mahogany desk as he waited for his trusted PA, Arjun, to enter.

Arjun, a sharp-witted man with a keen eye for detail, entered the room with a sense of urgency. "Sir, I've gathered the information you requested about the recent activities of our rivals in the underworld."

Rishi nodded, his expression serious. "Good. What's the latest update?"

Arjun handed Rishi a folder filled with detailed reports and surveillance photos. "It seems like the rival gang is planning to make a move on our territory tonight. They've been smuggling arms and drugs into the city, and they're getting bolder by the day."

Rishi's jaw clenched as he studied the documents. "We can't let them get away with this. I want every available man on high alert. We need to intercept their operation before it's too late."

Arjun nodded, his eyes reflecting the same determination as Rishi's. "I'll get our best men ready for action. But sir, we're going to need more firepower if we're going to take on their heavily armed goons."

Rishi smirked, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Leave that to me. I have some contacts in the arms trade who owe me a favor. Tell them to prepare a shipment of the finest weapons money can buy."

Arjun raised an eyebrow, impressed by Rishi's resourcefulness. "Consider it done, sir. Anything else I should know?"

Rishi leaned forward, his voice low and menacing. "Once we have the weapons, we'll strike at midnight. I want those goons to know that they messed with the wrong man. No one crosses me and gets away with it."

Arjun nodded, his expression determined. "Understood, sir. I'll make the necessary arrangements and inform the team. We'll be ready for whatever they throw at us."

Rishi's POV

Rishi sat across from Trisha, his eyes fixed on her as she spoke

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Rishi sat across from Trisha, his eyes fixed on her as she spoke. During Sargi she was wearing a red shade suit which looks amazing on her. I was just wondering how I have got her as my wife..

Then I saw her wearing a saree,in which she looks really hot, actually I was just waiting for a file which a servant went to take it from my office.Then I came back home after completing the work.After the allergic mishap I have started distancing myself,I take care of her but don't do flirting and all because I think she love someone else and I am not good enough for her..but she always attracts me like a magnet

it wasn't just her words that captivated me

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it wasn't just her words that captivated me. It was everything about her—the way her hair fell in soft waves around her face, the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she was passionate about, the curve of her smile that could light up the darkest of rooms.

As i listened to her ,I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and gratitude. How had he gotten so lucky to have her as his wife? She was more than he could have ever dreamed of—a beacon of light in his sometimes dark world.

She was wearing the most traditional outfit of Rajasthan as for the Karwa Chauth ritual.

She was wearing the most traditional outfit of Rajasthan as for the Karwa Chauth ritual

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And if I say I didn't fall for her, it'll be a lie.

I reached out and took her hand in mine ,savoring the warmth of her touch. In that moment, I knew that I would do anything to protect her, to make her happy.

As Trisha caught his gaze and smiled at him, Rishi felt a surge of emotion wash over him. She was his anchor, his rock, his everything. And he would spend the rest of his days cherishing her, loving her, and being mesmerized by her, just as he was in that moment.

We completed the Karwa chauth ritual together as we both had kept the Fast.After dinner Rishi recieved a message.

"Enjoying alot with your wife huhhh!!...Seems like you haven't told her about yourself,your reality that you can't be a good husband".

So that is it for the chapter,what you think Rishi is hiddening from Trisha do vote and share it with your friends.

Royal-The Mystery Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora