Back from Europe

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An airport shuttle bus dropped Rory and Lorelai off in front of their house

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An airport shuttle bus dropped Rory and Lorelai off in front of their house. They had just gotten back from their backpacking trip in Europe. Sabrina had decided to not go with them and stay in Stars Hallow for the summer.

"Agh!" Lorelai exclaimed

"And we're home." Rory exasperated

"How long does a freakin' van a ride take?"

"Not that long!"

"Everybody in the world's life flashed before my eyes. That's how much time I had. I thought we were gonna die on that van."

"It seemed a good possibility."

"Ugh, that van ride felt longer than our train ride from Paris to Prague, and we had that group of French boys singing Sk8er Boi and smelling like a soccer field sitting all around us."

"Ahh! You guys are home!" Sabrina ran out of the house to greet her mom and sister

"Sabrina!" Rory ran up for a hug

"Hey hon, I missed ya" Lorelai joined the hugged

"Aw I missed you too, now come on, inside. I want to here all about Europe" Sabrina picked up some of their luggage and headed inside

"So there was Notre Dame, and uh The Roman's Baths, St. Peter's Basilica-" Lorelai began once they were all in the kitchen

"Mom touched the Pope!" Rory interrupted

"You're kidding!" Sabrina said in shock

"Actually, I just touched his car. Then one of the Swiss guards in the fruity cool clothing busted me."

"Luckily, Mom's fluent in flirting."

"And flirting with a guy in a pompom hat and a skirt is quite an accomplishment."

"I can't believe I missed that!" Sabrina laughed
The next day Sabrina was sitting out on their porch, a few minutes later Lorelai came out to join her.

"It's so nice to be home." Lorelai said while taking a sip of coffee

"It's nice to have you home." Sabrina replied while resting her head on Lorelai's shoulder

"Hey, have you seen Luke lately?" Lorelai asked


"I guess he went on that cruise, huh?"


"That's good. That's good he went. He needed a vacation. He works hard, that one. Always cooking, making the coffee, taking the orders."

"Yeah but you know, I think something happened on that trip of his."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the day he got back, Jess and I asked him how his trip went. He couldn't get away from us fast enough."


"Yeah, Luke just seemed kind of freaked out about something."

"You think he and Nicole had a fight or something?"

"I don't know."

"He didn't say anything?"

"Nope, not even to Jess. He just walked around acting weirder than normal."

"Huh. Wonder what that's all about."

AN: omggg I missed writing this book so much 😭😭

I might just rewrite every episode at this point 😭😭😭

I hope you guys enjoy it so far 🫶🫶🫶🫶

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