Back from Europe Pt. 2

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Sabrina sat at the diner counter next to Jess

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Sabrina sat at the diner counter next to Jess. They were both reading while enjoying their breakfast. Sabrina suddenly gasped out of nowhere and slapped her hand over her mouth.

"What happened!? Are you okay? Did you burn your mouth again?" Jess hurriedly asked

"No, this's crazy!" Sabrina exclaimed

Jess glanced over at the page.

"I'm not there yet, don't tell me anything"

"Well catch up slowpoke, I need to talk about this"

"Hey I'm not slow, I know you been secretly reading ahead behind my back" Jess pointed accusingly

Sabrina dramatically gasped again. Luke silently chuckled to himself overhearing the interaction.

"I'm offended at that accusation" Sabrina turned back to her book, Jess smiled and stared at her for a bit before turning back to his.

"Bonjour, Luke. Pouvez-vous attacher vos chausseurs?" Lorelai walked into a diner and took a seat next to Sabrina

"What?" Luke gave her a weird look

"Uh, hi, Luke. Do you know how to tie your shoes?"

"Very good."

"Yup. It came in handy, let me tell you. Not one shoelace fatality on my watch."

Luke set a mug down in front of Lorelai

"You remembered." Lorelai said immediately taking a sip

"Yup. A couple things about you stick. You have a good time?" Luke asked

"Vos odeurs de chat."

"What's that?"

"Your cat smells. The trip was incredible, we had the best time." Lorelai gushed

"Good, I'm glad." Luke nodded

Jess and Sabrina both got up to head off to work. Lorelai continued the conversation by asking about the cruise. Luke awkwardly avoided giving away any details, leaving Lorelai even more confused.
Later that day Sabrina sat on the couch watching tv. Lorelai and Sabrina burst through the front door, each carrying several shopping bags. Rory accidentally wrote down the wrong date for her Yale orientation so they were rushing to get everything she needed.

"Okay, we got the sheets, towels, bathroom shower caddy, and the basic first aid accoutrement. We still need to hit the beauty supply, the hardware store, stationery store." Rory read off her checklist

"The mattress store." Lorelai added

"You do know that they supply you with a mattress at the dorm." Sabrina chimed in

"Yeah. A mattress that decades of students in various states of cleanliness have slept on. Some without pajamas." Lorelai said horrified

"Gross." Rory and Sabrina said at the same time


"We've been running around for hours and this list isn't getting any shorter. We're never gonna finish." Rory groaned

"Stop. Yes, we are. We just need to split up. We'll get all this done quicker. I'll take the, uh, beauty supply and you take the stationery store, and we'll meet back here in twenty minutes." Lorelai explained

"Alright, let's go."

"Twenty minutes!"

Lorelai and Rory dropped off their bags, and quickly headed back out.

"Hey, Kirk" Lorelai greeted Kirk in the beauty supply store

"Hello" Kirk replied.

"So you took over Sabrina's old job here?"

"Yep, I hope I can do her proud. No one could match a foundation shade like her" Kirk looked out the window, reminiscing

"She was quite good at that, well uh I'm looking for a good daytime cream and a good nighttime cream" Lorelai explained

"For you?"

"No, for Rory."

"Is she sensitive, prone to breakouts if the cream is too heavy?"


"I thought so. Okay, first of all, I would stay far away from that one." Kirk said snatching away a cream Lorelai had picked up


"Much too rich for her. This one is light with a fresh citrus scent and it is completely natural."

"We like that."

"Now, for day, I would recommend something with a sunscreen. Rory has a classic peaches and cream complexion, and it would be a crime if, when she got older, her face started to look like a cowboy."

"I couldn't agree more."

"All right. This should work."

"Thank you. I think Sabrina would be very proud of this service"

Kirk just beamed proudly and stared out the window again.

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