The Swan

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Sabrina sat at her grandmother's dining room table listening to her drone on about whatever nonsense she had going on that week

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Sabrina sat at her grandmother's dining room table listening to her drone on about whatever nonsense she had going on that week. She suddenly felt a kick under the table from Rory, she came out of her daydream and realized that everyone was staring at her.

"Well Sabrina?" Emily stared into her soul

"Well what?" Sabrina confusedly asked

"Sabrina! Were you not paying attention to a thing I said?"

"Not really"

"You know you really do take after your mother" Emily rolled her eyes

"Anyways, as I was saying these things are obvious" Emily continued


Sabrina was still as lost as ever but agreed anyways.

"Is she still looking?" Sabrina whispered over to Lorelai


"Uh what things exactly grandma?" Rory chimed in trying to save Sabrina

"Oh you know, when people get into new realtionship it's always obvious. Especially in you young girls" Emily continued staring at Sabrina

Sabrina started to turn red. She wanted to shrivel up and disappear realizing what her grandmother was inferring. She knew about Jess. How could she possibly know? She never wanted her to know. Thoughts raced through Sabrina's mind a million miles per second.

"Well I guess I should probably mention I'm seeing someone" Sabrina muttered

"Who?" Emily questioned

"Jess" Sabrina mumbled


"Luke's nephew. Luke from the diner." Lorelai said

"Oh, I see. Well, am I going to get to meet him soon?"

"Oh, I don't know." Sabrina remained on the quieter side of things

"Yeah, Mom, that might be hard to arrange." Lorelai shrugged

"Well, how hard can it be? Just bring him over for dinner sometime. How about next Friday?" Emily asked

"Oh uh, I don't know" Sabrina nervously played with her hair

"It's perfect timing. Richard will still be out of town and it would be nice to round off the group" Emily beamed

"I don't know mom, it's very difficult timing"

"Well then I suppose I'll meet him at Sabrina's graduation. That's good. That way we'll all get to meet him at once. Myself, Richard, Gran. Maybe I'll bring a couple of girls from the DAR. Reverend Mahoney might like to come also."

"Stop it" Sabrina said before getting up and running into the bathroom

"Well, what's the matter with her? All I suggested was a nice dinner to meet her boyfriend"

"No you didn't mom" Lorelai put her face in her hands

"Don't be ridiculous, I have a right to know who's involved with my granddaughters. I met Dean"

"It's different grandma" Rory said
The next day Sabrina and Jess sat on a bench looking at a book together.

"Do you love it?" Sabrina smiled

"It's great." Jess replied

"The Holy Barbarians. I mean, what a title. And it's by a Venice Beach beatnik about Venice Beach beatniks, and to top it off, the beatnik who wrote it is the father of the guy that does those Actor's Studio interviews on TV."

"The guy with the beard?"

"Yeah, the pointy beard. That's his dad writing at his desk."

"Oh, it's weird that a weird beatnik-y guy would have a conservative son like that."

"Maybe he's not that conservative. Maybe at night, he, like, takes off his clothes and parties." Sabrina joked

"Aw, man, now get that picture out of my head." Jess shut his eyes

"It's a cool book, you've gotta admit."

"It is. Thanks." Jess said closing the book

"Oh, I'm not lending it. I'm not done." Sabrina snatched the book back

"Well, why'd you show it to me?"

"I like showing you the stuff I'm reading."

"But you knew I'd wanna read it. You're a book tease."

"You'll get it when I'm done."

"Cruel woman."

"So, are you going to work now?"

"Back to the salt mines. Hey what's the matter?" Jess asked after noticing Sabrina face change


"Oh come on, it's something. Tell me" Jess wrapped his arm around her.

"My grandmother through her evil voodoo witchy ways found out I was dating someone. Now she's demanding that she meets you or she's going to burn me at the stake. She won't stop calling or emailing, I didn't even know she could email-" Sabrina begins to ramble

"I'll go" Jess interrupts


"I'll do it"


"Why not?"

"I don't want her involved in any part of my life, and a night with my grandmother, that's too much to ask of anyone"

"But it will make things easier for you"

"You'll really do it? Are you sure? I could always find someone who vaguely resembles you and take him"

"And what if he tries to kiss you goodnight? I'll go"

"Oh thank you thank you, I don't know how I'll ever repay you. This means so much to me, you have no idea" Sabrina pull Jess into a hug

"I know how you can repay me" Jess says looking down at the book Sabrina had tucked away

"Alright fine, enjoy your Venice beach beatniks" Sabrina smiled handing over the book.

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