Chapter 8.2: The parents will be here shortly.

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In Principal Cabin,

In Principal Cabin,

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Y/n's POV:

All this time, I was silently listening to Oppa and the principal's conversation. I never knew this was such a serious matter. Until now, it was all fun and games for me, just typical high school drama. But today, it felt like a whole new reality. It hit me hard, and I realized just how far things had gone.

I always wanted them to get punished, but not like this. Watching them stand there, pale, and terrified, I felt guilty. I had never imagined it would come to this. Only two years left in school, and if they leave, how will I get entertained?

Deep down, I didn't want them to be removed from school because of me. It was a strange feeling, a mix of relief and regret. The power I held in this moment was overwhelming. Their fate was in my hands, and it was a heavy burden to bear. I glanced at Oppa, his face was stern, and I knew he wouldn't back down.

I remembered the that day very clearly when I got bullied, I didn't cry because they bullied me but because of words Hyejin said about my parents. But it doesn't mean I enjoyed getting bullied that day. Each memory stung, but seeing them so vulnerable now made me hesitate. They had tormented me, but I didn't want to be the cause of their downfall.

As the principal picked up the phone to call their parents, I felt a lump form in my throat. This wasn't how I wanted things to end. I wanted justice, yes, but this felt too extreme. I wished there was another way, a middle ground where they could learn their lesson without being expelled.

I wanted to speak up, to tell Oppa and the principal that maybe expulsion was too harsh, but the words caught in my throat.

Jhope Oppa's firm voice cut through my thoughts, bringing me back to the present. "They won't bother you again," he said with soft gaze as he looked at me.

I nodded as I replied, "Thank you, Oppa. But I think (cut)."

Namjoon: (interrupted) "Don't worry baby, we'll make sure they can't hurt you anymore."

I kept quiet after this because I knew no one will listen to me. The principal spoke quietly into the phone, explaining the situation to the parents. After a few minutes, he hung up and looked at my brothers.

Principal: "The parents will be here shortly. We'll discuss the next steps when they arrive."

J-Hope: (nodded) "Good. We'll be waiting outside then."

Namjoon: (holding Y/n hand) "Let's go. You don't need to be here for the rest. I will leave you to your class"

 I will leave you to your class"

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