Sag das Zauberwort

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"Sag das Zauberwort" - Anime Allstars

🎵 Sag das Zauberwort / Und du hast die Macht / Halt den Mondstein fest / Und spür die Kraft / Du kannst es tun 🎵


[One Year Later]


"Max! Emilia!" Mom called out from the living room.

I stopped typing away on my laptop so that I could head out of my bedroom to see what she wanted. I just hope that it wasn't to unload the dishwasher... again. That chore never ends! Can't we just buy new dishes?

I walked down the hallway, having to dodge a clawed swing from Beyoncé's paws as she tried to swipe at me. I have no idea why she's been a terror lately, but it really sucks to have to fear a cat in my own damn apartment! Seriously, she always hisses at me, will go psycho if we're ever in the same room, and she never lets me pet her anymore.

And it's not just her, but it's like every cat in Canada doesn't want a single thing to do with me at all! I have no idea what the hell's up with everyone else (I can't be the problem... right?), but whenever I'm walking to the bus stop, all of the cats in the city hiss at me. They'll do that weird, eerie meow that's all deep and throaty, arching their backs as their hair stands straight up, looking like a Halloween decoration instead of a cute pet. At least all of the dogs in the neighborhood didn't try to get all aggressive with me. Instead, they all seemed to take one sniff in my direction and cower away, trembling as if I were the one with sharp claws and big teeth.

Keeping in with the tradition of feeling all alone, it wasn't just animals who seemed to want nothing to do with me.

Emilia was busy doing things with all of her friends after school, so I barely ever got to see her. I'm nowhere near close to being considered "Popular", therefore, I tended to have acquaintances more than friends. Sure, I had some people who I could sit with at lunch and chitchat with during class, but once the bell rang, I never heard from them. I'd walk to the bus stop, ride the bus to the apartment, and then spend the rest of my day (and the entire weekend) all by myself in my bedroom. Mom worked long, crazy hours at her job so she was almost never home. Kyle was only interested in just hanging out with my mom, often times forgetting my name and referring to me as "His Chick's Kid".

At the end of the day, though, all of these people ditching/ignoring me was just because they were busy with their own lives. They were too caught up in being fabulous and employed and in relationships to remember little ol' Maxie. Hence, I couldn't really hold it against them. I mean, it wasn't like they'd avoided me out of sheer hatred.

Still, I seemed to be sinking deeper and deeper into the blackness of loneliness, and it was getting hard to claw my way out.

It sucked, plain and simple. I used to think that people were truly social creatures, but now I realize that maybe that was just a saying which held no merit whatsoever. At least in my case, people tended to prefer to be left one-hundred percent alone.

I'd lost count of all the times I'd asked Emilia if I could hang out with her and her friends while they'd gossiped in the living room, only to be told to fuck off. I couldn't recount every time Mom's lucrative job had resulted in her being unable to come to any of my school events... or even to remember to pick me up from soccer practice (I'd wound up quitting because my ride situation wasn't stable). And truth be told, I don't even know if Kyle knows my name. Not only that, but it was becoming a sickening routine of me sitting at my desk on Friday, hearing my classmates make plans for the weekend or even for the upcoming breaks, only for me to sit there with a hopeful grin on my face or even throwing out a "I love [insert topic]!" Then they'd just shrug me off, indicating that I wasn't wanted. Shit, even my math tutor was a no show last week!

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