Ein Tausend Teile

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"Ein Tausend Teile" - Kim Petras

🎵 Alles bricht mal entzwei / Doch ein Herz kann in eintausend Teile brechen / Verspreche es dir / Vorsicht was du anfasst denn / Alles bricht mal entzwei 🎵

"Im Namen der Lufthansa begrüßen wir Sie in Vancouver, Kanada," the flight attendant announced on the PA as soon as the plane's wheels touched down on the ground. "On behalf of Lufthansa, we would like to welcome you to Vancouver, Canada. Au nom de Lufthansa, nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue à Vancouver, au Canada."

It was a bittersweet feeling, being home.

Normally, when the summer came to end, and I was forced to go back home from Dad's, I was a mess. Usually, I was fighting back tears and trying not to bawl over being away from my father whom I've only gotten to see for three measly months out of the year. However, now, although I was definitely sad to be away from Dad, I was also so incredibly relieved to be away from Dominik.

It's stupid, I know, but I cannot deny the horrible way he'd made me feel about myself. I hated how he'd called me a nobody and how he'd made me feel useless and like nobody wanted to be around me. On the other hand, my heart also ached at how broken he'd looked before we'd driven away from the house.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get Dominik's hurt expression out of my mind.

And that was what made my throat feel dry and my eyes water more than not being able to see my father for a while.

And what was worse was that I think I'd made things worse by turning my back on Dominik.

"Emilia?" I asked, tugging on my sister's sleeve, waking her up from her nap.

"What? Huh?" she startled awake, fixing her hair real quick as soon as she saw that we'd landed after our nearly ten hour flight. Although she'll deny it until the day she dies, she wiped away a little drool from her lips.

Dominik's hopeful face and they way it'd fallen popped back into my head, and that hole in my chest grew in size and intensity, making me wince. "Am... am I a bad person?" I asked my sister.

Emilia rolled her tired eyes. "Yep," she muttered, grabbing her purse out from under the seat in front of her as the plane parked at the gate.


Once the plane halted to a stop and all the whirring gears silenced and the fasten seatbelt lights turned off, all of the passengers quickly stood up and rushed to get off. I grabbed my rabbit backpack and put it on, sticking close to my sister as we walked down the aisle to get off the plane. We walked through the tunnel that connected the plane to the rest of the airport, and I couldn't help but note how much colder it was up here in the Great North. It may be a stereotype that Canada is cold all the time— but damn! It can be true sometimes!

Come to think of it, I was freezing!

I don't know if it was due to the temperature or maybe I was coming down with a cold, but I had a severe case of the chills. The tiny hairs on my legs were standing up straight, and I shivered as I wrapped my small arms around myself.

Trying to distract myself from the cold chilliness of the Canadian Coast, I turned on my phone—

"Oof," I grunted when I bumped into someone.

The man huffed and glared down at me with his yellow eyes. "Watch where you're going..." he growled, but his voice trailed off as his nostrils flared, and he deeply inhaled through his nose. His yellow eyes widened and he gulped. Immediately his red face paled and he took a large step away from me. "O-oh, I'm sorry."

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