one day.

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As i walked into the Arena, Erra jogged over to the crowd and took a seat. Most of the packs had shown up, all except most of the moms with small children. The dirtbag walks in, and as expected, nobody applauds as they did for me. He glares at the crowd. I grin at him and bow, my eyes never blinking or leaving his, in a sign of disrespect and defiance. He apparently doesn't like that since he growls, and honestly, compared to Amikia's growl, it sounds like a puppy. He bows back, halfway. to say the least, Ami and I are both pissed. Nobody. And I mean nobody, disrespect my world. Maybe me, but not Ami. She is special to me, and I won't let others disrespect someone I care about. I let Ami's bright green eyes flash, and he flinchs. 'As he should!' Yells Ami in my head, making me, in turn, flinch. After that, Erra explains the rules, and Harrold stands on the side, ready to disqualify either of us where we are to break the rules. He runs up to me, with his arm put and his fist clenched, ready to smash my face. This, this is why fights are getting too easy for me. His form is sloppy, his stance is lopsided, he is taking too far apart of steps as he runs, and worst of all, he has left his stomach unguarded. Therefore, I step to his left, where his arm is down, stick out my fist, lock my arm in place, and do it at the time where he has no time to slow down. So, due to his sloppiness, I punch his gut so hard that he is sure to have internal bleeding. He also was apparently running so hard that I broke his skin. Ew. I then say,

"My poor gloves! Now I have to get new ones, because your disgusting blood is stained on these ones. Too bad for you, since they were my favorites, I guess I'll have to avenge them." He looks at me, pissed, but I can see the glint of fear in his eyes. Now, the wind is knocked out of him, and blood is dribbling from his mouth, I roundhouse kick him, RIP his right ear. Oops, I accidentally smashed his right side of his face in a bit. Too bad. I sigh. "I guess, just because that little girl looks scared, I'll give you a quick death." I snap his neck, and instantly, his body goes limp.

Harrold nods and comes and raises my hand in the air and yells, "We have our winner! Alpha Katriana!" The crowd cheers. Later that night, I was in my room, sitting on my black bean bag, eating spicy guacamole chips, and watching Legacies on Netflix, which is progressively becoming more and more upsetting now that they are killing everyone I like. I see a flash of a flash light out of my peripherals, and pause my show, looking out the window, down into the edge of the forest, I see the same group of guys, that I have been seeing around the border the last few days. The first time, I thought they were just hanging out, the second time that maybe they are part of the patrol, buuuut, now, I scratch both ideas put, because A;why would you be outside the borders at four am just to hang out if you could get kidnapped by another pack? And B;patrol switches day and night. Which means that either they're another pack scouting if we're a threat, they want to steal shit, or they want a treaty. Could be other things like mate shit and all, but they don't look friendly. The leader, (im calling him that because he obviously commands them) is tall,  probably three inches taller than me, pretty sure hes a guy, and has dark jet black hair, from what I can tell, the others, there is one guy with sandy blonde hair, about the same hight, a girl, a little shorter than me with also blonde hair, and another guy, who seems pretty short, with neon green hair. Yup, neon green, that also apparently glows in the dark. Amu then says 'he looks like a mushroom.' I burst out laughing and say "he does? Doesn't he?" She also starts laughing. I then say "you wanna go for a run and figure out who they are?" She mentaly grins and says 'duUh!'  I roll my eyes and mindlink Erra and say 'going into the east border to check something out. If I'm not back in two hours contact me and if I don't specifically reply 'chika' sound the alarm.' Erra replies with 'Chika, really? Okay.' I roll me eyes and change into my gear and out of my blue fluffy lilo and stitch pajamas. I go downstairs quietly and slip out the back door. I then shift into Ami, who, apparently since we're now an Alpah, can Camouflage herself. I quite literally look like  I'm in all camo hunters clothes. In wolf form. I slip into the forest, and cover my scent, so nobody could smell me. I'm super quiet. I'm one of the best with stealth. It's lost Erra many ice cream bars from her personal mini-freezer. I catch the groups peculiar scent and follow them quietly. I don't think their trying to be discreet, because they sound like a herd of elephants tromping through a rain forest. It's only two days till the full moon, which means my senses are heightened as a newly asserted alpha. I can hear snippets of their conversation, and it's something along the lines of the girl hitting on the leader while mushroom dude, who is apparently her mate, says for her to stop being such a tramp. Not gonna lie, I can sympathize with mushroom dude.  After about an hour of following them, they are just continuing to circle our borders. Ami gets annoyed and shifts me back into human form. I use what Erra calls my 'Ghost scary bitch powers' to become baisicly nonexistent, and walk right in front of them, before going back to normal with my hands on my hips and a pissed of look. The girl screams and patheticly throws herself at the leader, who I now realize is at least of alpha rank from his aura, to which he throws her at blonde dude who yells "GROSS!" and throws her at mushroom dude who just looks tired at this point. Blonde dude and wannabe alpha get into fighting stances, the blonde dude gives off beta, and mushroom dude is definitely a gamma. The girl is obviously a very power hungry gamma female bitch. As soon as they get into fighting stances I laugh. They have good stance, so their probably good fighters, but still. I then say "chill out dipshits. Why are you continuing to circle my boarders. Your not part of my pack so explain yourself. The area around my pack is rogue run." The leader glares and says "then it's free land is it not?" I laugh and say "no, it's not free land. My buddy, Jasper, runs the wild rogues, and I don't think he would appreciate you waltzing your stinky ass all over his land." They all look offended now. Ami is laughing in my head. The leader growls and says "Dude, what's your issue?! Last I checked, there wasn't even a pack in this area! Who the actual hell are you?!" I grin an evil glint in my eyes and say "I'm RogueMoons Alpha." They all look confused now. The blonde dude then says "no your not. Alphas are male, and there is no pack named RogueMoon ever documented in history." I smirk, and say "first of all, no, Alphas can be female. It's just, so many years of males acting like we are inferior has made half of us docile enough not to challenge your testosterone filled asses. Second of all, we make history, and yeah there is a pack called RogueMoon. It's my pack. And we made it. And you best start thinking about what you say because im not an ordinary baisic powerless bitch of a she-wolf." They look surprised. The leader then says, "Well, now we have to take you to our alpha." They all try to grab me and I phantom phase to about four feet behind them and say "what was that? I couldn't hear you because I was to busy telling my FEMALE beta to come over here. Oh, and if she gets here and she doesn't immediately like you, we'll probably kill you. Her opinion is very important to me, ya know?" Their eyes widen and the blonde whispers, his face pale white "how the hell did you do that?" A second later, Ami pushes to the surface and my eyes turn the bright green, she then says in her Luna voice "watch who your talking to pup! I'm no mere wolf!" They all immediately submit, and oddly enough, their wolves come to the surface and apologize profusely, before going back. They look extremely confused. Not even a minute later, a cloth is pressed to my nose from behind, and everything becomes black as my body collapses into someone's arms and I hear Erra yelling in the distance.

A/N aghhhh, don't kill me! I had toooooo! Can't wait for the next chapter, ttyl you funky monkeys!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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