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No. This will not happen. The bond will break if I reject him and what's even better . Since we haven't kissed, he doesn't have to accept it because i just severed the bond. Oh, and also, i won't feel the pain. Only he will. Haha, im evil. I glare at him and say "i Katriana Leri reject you alpha Jace as my mate", then look at the girls and say, "I'm so sorry," before jumping out the window and shifting into my wolf. I run,run,run as fast as I can, the only thing on my wolf and i's mind is to GET AWAY. I run faster. There is NO way I will ever let a man control me like Phoenix did EVER again. I feel it as I pass the borderline of his Jace's territory, a small jab in the ribs. I run faster than I ever have in my life, speeding through the land, snow flying behind my paws. Next thing I know, I'm in a huge forest panting beside a large meadow, full of flowers. And all I can think is 'perfect now I can get rid of my scent' as I roll all over in the flowers. I stink like the girlyest girl in the world. Ew. But at least they can't track me now. I look around to try and find out where I am, but all I can see is trees and flowers. Hmm, I must be on neutral territory, normally where the rogues live. Wait...I don't have a pack anymore...I'm a rogue. Well shit, I didn't think it would happen like this. Damn it. If only my parents realized. I sniff the dirt and follow the scent of food to a pretty little house at least twenty miles from the meadow. I look at it curiously as I see a tall-ish she-wolf rogue with flowing blonde hair and shocking green eyes darker than mine by a bit come out in all black leather clothes and weapons all over her body. She sees me and pulls out a hand gun, pointing it at me. I bow slightly in submission, and she lowers the gun a bit and nods for me to shift back, which, I gladly do, shifting back to my human form suddenly glad the clothes those girls gave me are shift proof so I'm not naked. I give her a half smirk and do a little wave. She looks skeptical of me as she walks up to me and then circles me, assessing me. She then says in a higher pitched voice than I was expecting "new to being a rogue, huh?" I nod and grin because for some reason, this girl doesn't scare me even though she is pointing  a weapon at me like a professional hit man. She smirks and says, "I like you." I smirk back at her  and say,"Does that mean I can stay?" She looks thoughtful as she says,"You'll have to prove your worth to the team."

A/N I know this is short buuuutttttt I love this one way better than the previous ones. Love you guys-emma

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