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I wake up to Erra and Niki jumping on my bed and yelling,'GET UP!' Over and over again. I jolt out of bed and push them off of my bed. I stumble out of bed into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and shower. I wrap myself in a towel and walk out of the bathroom straight into my walk-in closet. I pull out some black leather pants, a thin black t-shirt, and some socks. I go back into the bathroom and put light makeup on. Then I put my hair up in an Ariana Grande style ponytail tail before joging downstairs to where the rest of the team are eating Octavia's famous blueberry pancakes at the breakfast table  I plop myself into a chair and grab a plate, piling I up with bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I pour syrup onto my pancakes and grab a fork. I also manage to get my hands on the orange juice and pour myself a full cup before Harrold drinks it all. (Side note; Harrold is obsessed with orange juice) I scarf down my food as Erra babbles to Niki, Yayla, and me about whether she should do red or black makeup  After breakfast, we all have training with Harrold. Yayla is up against me as my sparing partner today. I kick her ass easily. Once training is over, r it's already 5:56pm, the ball starts at 7:00 pm  so naturally Erra says we're going to be late if we don't start getting ready at this very moment. I go to my room and put on a pair of  Shiney new black leather pants. Then I put on my tight black thin cropped t shirt. I put the chest halter over top of that. (P.s. some of the girls chose lace-up corsets instead of halters.) Once that's done, I go into the bathroom and put my hair into a high Ariana ponytail. My hair is coil curled from showering this morning. Oh, also, did I mention I have curtain bangs that are swept to the side perfectly?I then put on black eye liner, mascara, smoky eye, and a swipe of lime green wet eye liner right above the smoky eye that makes my eyes pop. I also gave myself wings. I then put on almost black matte lip stick.  I pull on my fingerless black leather gloves that go to my elbows. I pull on my taller skin-tight black  boots that go to just below my ass. I then put my emerald stud earrings in. Then I switched my normal diamond stud nose piercing out for sapphire one. I put on about two rings per finger. I put on a pair of black  thigh halters. I hide a ton of weapons in my clothes and hair. I'm not taking chances tonight. I pull on my leather mini jacket, spray on my vanilla ferfume, and jog downstairs. I see all the rest of the girls similarly dressed except for small differences. Derek and Nico come downstairs from the opposite stair case in black  jeans and white t-shirts with tennis shoes on. Octaivia and Harrold come in with a big smile as they look us over. Octaivia sighs as she looks at us girls and says, "You know, you could have worn dresses, right?" We laugh, and Niki says,"everyone is gonna be dressing up, so why should we dress normal?" We all laugh. Octaivia  and Harrold give us all hugs, and then Harrold says to behave as we're all walking out the door. Us girls are taking my black camaro, and the boys are taking Derek's black Lamborghini. I blare Nicki Minaj as we fly down the road. Soon, we're pulling up to a huge PINK mansion. Ew.  I park my car in the parking lot and take some deep breaths as memories fly through my mind of my past. I miss my brother. Who by coincidence was also named Dereck. Ughhh. Tonight is gonna be torture for me. Sierra is the only one who knows what actually happened those nights. She rubs my back and says, "Hey, babe, we can just go if this is too much for you." (All us girls call each other, babe or  baby, btw) I shake my head no and say "no. It's OK. I'll get through this.lets go." We get out of the car, and I flick my pony tail out of my face with one perfectly manicured silver nail. The girls get out, too. We walk over to where the boys are waiting for us by the doors. Here goes nothing. Derek opens the doors.

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