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I wake up in a hospital bed, and apparently, I have ivs in my arms. These dumb fuckers apparently don't understand that I am fine. I rip out my ivs and stand up. I walk out of the infirmary that we have. I strut into my room with no issues. I throw on a thin black t-shirt shirt and then leather leggings along with a leather jacket. Then, I put my hair in my Grande style high ponytails tail. I throw on my boots and jump out my window. I land fine even though my room is three story's up, a normal human would have injured themselves but I'm a werewolf, so I didn't. I jog into the woods before reaching into my mind to Amikia and shifting into my wolf, letting her take over fully and want as she runs through the woods and jumps around. I haven't let her put like this in a very long time. Somehow, she finds a lake and takes a swin before going to the shore and laying in the flowers and soft grass. She falls asleep, and when we wake up, I'm in control of my wolf form. I shift into my human form, im glad I'm wearing shift proof clothes. I jog over to an oak tree and climb up it. Once I'm at the top, I use my small knife and prick my finger, letting a drop of my blood fall on the tree. Slowly, I raise my hands, and the tree forms the way I want it. A huge nest big enough to fit multiple human forms at the top with leaves as cushions and the branches form a natural ladder for me in the morning. I start to fall asleep when I hear someone climbing my latter. I keep my breaths steady and even. I also keep my heart from pounding to avoid the possibility of the person noticing. I slowly pull put my hand gun and point it to where the person will be in a second. The person is just a shadow when their head pops up above the railing I make so I don't fall. Then I hear Niki's voice as she whispers "don't shoot me bitch" I laugh and say " what the hell are you doing out here stalker?" She laughs softly as she climbs over to me and then I see Yayla, Sierra and Nicole behind her. I laugh and say, "Oh my god, it's a whole posse of stalkers!"Yayla laughs, and then I see her make a face as she whispers."Hey, why are you out here?" I sigh and sit up. Erras eyes, and she asks, "Hey, who's scent is on you?" I roll my eyes as I say."Some dude carried my to the infirmary when I blacked out." Niki gasps and says "Girl you better explain!" I laugh in a dark way as I explain everything along with my powers. By the end, Yayla was crying, and I think Niki's jaw is permanently dropped. Sierra was shaking her head with tears in her eyes, and Nicole was livid. Next thing I know, we're all in a group hug. Soon enough, Sierra is telling us her story. Shy says "well if we're all sharing just how shity we all had it, I might as well tell you how Harrold found me. I was young. Really little, I was with my aunt and uncle on a trip, and my parents were back home managing the pack. They were beta and beta female. My aunt and I were shopping when we got a call. My aunt answered the phone, and the next thing i knew, she started crying, like really loud. People were looking at us weird. I took her hand and I said 'Auntie, what's wrong?' She was still crying, but she was looking at me weirdly. Then she said to me,'Oh honey, our pack... was destroyed.' Apparently, our pack was attacked by another pack. Everyone died. A couple minutes after my aunt stopped crying, she started laughing hysterically. You guys have no idea how confusing it was. She then jerked her hand out of mine and then yelled that I was a monster. I was so very confused. We left back home the next day. Once we got home, I was crying. everything was ash. They burnt my parents and friends alive. A week later, i joined my uncles pack. He was beta there.and my auntie beta female. But for some reason, people hated me. My aunt told then to never talk to me because I was a monster. I later found out that when I touch someone, I can manipulate their emotions. Like when I touched my aunt, I wanted her to feel happy again, so she laughed. I was treated like an animal. A slave. Someone for people to take their anger out on. It was awful. A couple of years later, on my eighth birthday, I was allowed to go outside, and when I was walking through the forest, this little boy, about my age, walked up to me. I could tell he was a rogue, but he didn't seem as threatening as my aunt made them out to be. The little boy said his name was Derek and that he wanted to be my friend. We played for hours. It was awesome, someone finally treating me like a person. On my tenth birthday, Derek met me in the forest, but someone was with him. I kind looking man who said his name was Harrold. Derek said I could come with them and never have to come back here again. I agreed, and soon enough, I was here. I grew up here with Harrold as my adopted father and Octavia as my mom. Derek was my brother. And you all were my sisters." By the time she was done, we were all crying and hugging her. Yayla sighs and says, "My story is pretty boring. My parents were human and found me when I was a pup in the forest. I had been abandoned by my pack. They saved me and brought me in, thinking I was a dog. You can imagine their surprise when I shifted into a human. They got over their surprise quickly and raised me up. Soon though, they left and never came back. Big surprise. Leave the twelve year old werewolf girl to fend for herself. About two months later, Octavia found me and took me in. That's it." Now we were hugging her.then Niki said,"Derek and I were pups when Octavia found us in a human experimentation facility. We were constantly being poked with needles and knives. They enjoyed hurting us. They said it was to see how fast we healed. But that should have only happened once if that was the case. Octaivia was undercover in the facility. She saved us and brought us home. Soon enough, Derek got Harrold to save the girl he met in the forest." And as you can imagine, we're now hugging her.Nicole sighs and says, "My dad and mom were the only ones left after the pack was obliterated. They are both purebloods. Which makes me and my brothers purebloods." I whisper to the group."Hey guys... have you ever..I dunno glowed? Or maybye..had a 'gift'?" They all look at me and say yes. I nod and say, "I can mimick peoples voices. And I glow when I do. ..oh, and I float. Oh, and my blood can make it so I can manipulate nature...." They nod, and Yayla says,"I can obliterate things. Watch." She picks up a twig, and it dissappear with a little puff of glitter. Then she says, "But I can also heal things like this." She takes out her arm and cuts it with her knife, then she puts her hand above it, and within seconds, it is fixed. With no scar. We nod. Erra then says "obviously I can manipulate emotions when I touch someone. I can also hurt them. Make them feel pain in their head that spreads. I'm not going to demonstrate. The only person who I accidentally did this to is Harrold when he was training me. He tried to grab me, and I did it on accident. He couldn't talk for a month.i can also feel people's emotions." We nod, and then Niki says , "Derek and I have codependent powers. He can see the past, and I can see the future. Without the past, the future doesn't happen. Without the future, there is no past." Nicole is looking amazed. Then she says "me and my brothers are elementals, Nico is fire, Hayden is earth Eric is water. I, however, instead of just getting wind, have all four." We all nod, and I realize something and say "we...we're all purebloods." They nod. Something in the air shifts and  next thing I know we're all standing on the ground looking at each other in a circle, and there is a slight glow around the circle we made. I realize what just happened. We somehow made ourselves into a pack. I could hear their voices in my head through the wolf link. Like telepathicly talking to each other. I know that in the oldest werewolf books written by the elder purebloods that in this time, it's critical that we don't touch anyone that we don't want in our pack for at least the next week. We have seven days to get everyone initiated into the pack. But for now, we decided to stay in the tree for the night and deal with whatever tomorrow brings then and there.

A/N this chapter goes out to my mom, who has been extremely supportive even though i have been kind of mia while writing latley. She also inspired me to put in some background on the other characters. I will, hopefully, be making side books on each of the characters once this one is over.

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