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I wake up in the tree-nest thing i made last night. all of us girls are piled on top of each other, all tangled up. whats super weird though, is i feel this odd connection with them almost like a......Oh shit! we somehow made a pack last night! Oh my goddess. whats Harrold gonna say?! okay... okay...ill just wake up the girls, and then we will figure it out together. i start shaking Niki while kicking Erra.  they both wake up and seem to come to the same conclusion as they start to help me wake up everyone else, too. soon were all awake and sitting up.

Niki whispers, "Oh shit guys...I think we made a pack... how the hell did we manage that?!"

Erra laughs and says, "i know exactly what Octavia is gonna say.'i leave you alone for five minutes, and this is what happens?!'"

we all laugh at that. then i say, "Did anyone else  read the purebloods curses and gifts?"

Erra nods, and then i say, "Okay then, only me and Erra have read it." baisicly, what we did last night was, since we were all purbloods, we made a pack. we are the founders so it likley one of us will be Luna. now, make sure whoever you touch is someone you want in the pack because when you touch them, they become part of the pack. when you feel your rank ley me know. ill keeep log of everyones rank. at the end of the eek, we should have a meeting to go through the info. we should pick a pack name ......."

they nod, and Nicole suggests, "What if we name it 'Bloodmoon pack?"

Erra cringes and says, "Can we do something less morbid-sounding?"

i laugh, and then Yayla suggests, "What about the roguemoon pack?" Just after she says that a bright light flashes out of nowhere and i laugh a little and say
"Well, Yayla, i guess that's the pack name. Roguemoon." we are all smiling, and then i say "okay guys. Let's go get pack members." At least twelve minutes later, we get back home. i march up to Octavia, who is watering plants on the front deck, and hug her. immidiatley i feel the pack bond, and i see her eyes brighten. i put my finger to my lips to let her know not to say anything. i dont want people rushing around. i then go to harrold, who is training some new pups and highfive him and do the same thing i did with Octavia. within two hours, all of the team has been added to the pack. their mates included. It's been a week now, and we finally have everyone added that we want to be added. im currently walking to the meeting room (the living room) because apparently rank will be decided today. i dont know how it happens. You just feel your rank, i guess. when i finally get there, i flop on the couch. Yayla rushes in grinning and yells to no one in particular. "im pack warrior!" i laugh and high five her. a similar thing happens when the rest of the team and their mates come in. Harrold is a pack trainer, Octavia is a female pack trainer , and Yayla and her  mate are male pack warriors
Erra and her mate are the Beta's, Derek and his mate are the Gamma's, Niki and her mate are Warriors along with Nico and his mate. everyone has various roles. the team  and their mates have the main  roles. i still dont know mine, though. after the meeting im walking over to my area i usualy train in when one of the female omega's we saved comes up to me, she is a regular wolf in this pack. she smirks at me and says, "Oh, dont worry, you're problye an Omega in this pack. shoo shoo servant." she shoves me, and in a flach, im shifted into my blood red wolf, growling at her. my wolf and i feel stronger in some way... the she-wolf who was provoking me immediately bows her head and then runs away. i decided not to shift back to my human. i trot over to the river that's on the edge of our new territory, i go to take a drink when i see that my normal blood red ears are tipped with a metalic silver. the kind of silver that luna's ears are tipped with. oh. my. goddess. im a Luna. im the Luna of my pack. Holy crap!
i shift to my human and see my reflection in the water. i have a streak on metalic silver in the front of my hair. i grin. i hear a stck snap behind me and turn around in a flash, my claws ready and out in cae of a fight. i hear a gasp, and i see Erra standing here shocked. i quickly retract my claw and walk up to her, totally fogetting about my newfound power. she cowers away from me, i look at her and say "whats wrong?" she stutters incoherently until i hear the words 'turn.....Luna...aura..down..' i realize that she can probably sense my new power, and im probably squishing her wolf with it, i quickly turn it off. and she inhalles deeply as if trying to get air back into her lungs before bursting out laughing like crazy until im laughing with her. finnaly, we pull it together, and i ask her "whats so funny?" she grins and says
"Niki owes me twenty bucks." At this point, im way confused, and i think she sees it because she allaborates."we all  bet on who we thought would be Luna, i said you, and she said Octavia. so now she owes me twnty dollars." i laugh. we start walking back to the pack house when i get the feeling that someone in the pack is very upset, i look at Erra, who doesn't seem to notice. huh. must be luna sense. i follow the tug of the stress to see Nicole sitting on the ground crying her eyes out. i walk up to her and squat, then ask, "Hey, what's wrong?"  she stutters out."t-this s-s-she-wolf ca-me u-up to me and s-s-said that i-i-i ...that i-im a n-nothing and t-then she started to beat me up..." My jaw drops, and my wolf takes over in protective Luna mode as i put my hand on her forhead, looking through her memoris (luna perks), and then i  heal her wounds i  stand up and march away. ther is no way this bitch gets to first insult me and then also hurt a fellow pack memeber. i see her and walk up behind her and high kick her in the back with me lace up combat boots. (i perfer the combat boots  for training) she falls to the ground. i use my luna voice and say "I, Luna of the Roguemoon pack strip you of all titles or relations to this pack." the woman gasps and screams. within seconds ive thrown her of the territoys yelling to her that if she ever returns i will kill her slow. i turn to the large crowd that formed, and yell "Let this be an exaple of what happens to those who hurt a  fellow pack member or betray us." i glare and add "NEVER do you insult a fellow pack meber. and NEVER do you use your rank for bad. i dont care who you think you are. i will throw you out quicker than you can count to three." i march back to my room in the pack house. (we expanded the cabin into a five story mansion sort of thing that  we call a pack house) i flop on my bed, falling asleep. i know i have to hold a meeting for the pack to understand that i am Alpha female/Luna. im just gonna rest for now.....

A/N woooo hoooooo love this chapter. i will edit it soon, so bear with me for now.

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