'There are things that I remember but I have holes in my head. I am sorry. Camila said that I kissed your cheek yesterday, is that true?'

"You did yes. I liked it though, it was sweet. Your lips are still so full and soft, mostly red which I like." A giggle escapes her lips and I am not sure if she wanted to stand up or move closer to me but her head falls on my shoulder gently. I caress her hair slowly and she doesn't pull away from my touch.

"Lauren I met a girl today at the hospital. Can I tell you something about her?" She shrugs her shoulders and nods afterwards.

"So there was this girl, she asked me about my type, I mean my type of women... and I just stared at her for a while because honestly I don't know. I don't know what type of women is the best for me, I don't care about that. When I fall in love with someone I fall in love because they make me fall, I am not choosing them based on the way they look or speak, my heart is the one choosing. I am not like oh look at her she has beautiful green eyes, I want to make her mine." Lauren giggles like a little child and I watch her as she writes something on the note. Her head falls down on my shoulder and she is gently stroking my hand as I try to read her note.

'Oh really? I am pretty sure that that's how you choose me.' She remembers? Oh God this is so confusing but I am really happy that she does.

"Obviously ... that's not how I choose you." I whisper in her ear playfully and her eyes search for mine. As they lock she mouths; How did you do it then?

"I looked at you and I knew, I knew that you were going to be different, something special. The way you looked at the pictures and the way you smiled at me when I noticed you in the crowded room was everything." I can hear her breathing heavily, her heart is beating out of control too but I don't say anything. She is playing with my fingers, watching my hand and putting hers over mine to see how they fit together.

"Lauren, I think I will always love you." I surprise myself by saying that but she doesn't mind it I guess.

'Good, because I am going to need you to remember that on the days when I won't remember anything about you or us. Don't give up on me then. It's going to be hard but I am ready to do this if you are? I want to get better.'

"There is still one big obstacle in our way you know? Emily," she freezes when I mention her. Her fingers stop playing with mine.

"F-F-Friend," she gets out.

'I need you as a friend right now. I know you have her, you don't have to tell me that everytime I see you. In this exact moment I remember the kiss we shared yesterday, I remember everything, but I told the girls that I don't. I wanted to tell you the same thing, but why would I lie to you? I think there is enough things separating us already, we don't need lies to separate us too. All I want from you right now is to be my friend. At least for now, I am not giving up on us.'

"Lauren, I don't know what to say anymore, can I sing? Yesterday when I was driving back to my house in a taxi I heard this song and it made me think of you." Her black hair move from her face and land on mine but I don't mind it at all, she smells divine, her eyes are set on me as she is waiting for me to sing.

Give her a reason,
A reason to love all you do.
She'll tell you secrets.
You'll tell her secrets, too
She'll tell you all her hopes and dreams
You'll tell them, too

When she says she loves you
Tell her you love her, too

But don't you run away, run away
When you get tired
'Cause this will slip away, slip away
And start a fire
That can never be put out
Oh, hurry time is running out
But don't you run away, run away
Before you tell her you love her

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