Chapter Twenty-One: only a phone call away

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Harry POV: only a phone call away

“So, boys, tell me – what’s the deal with upcoming events? Have you got any news to share with us?”

The interview had been going for ten minutes now, and even though that wasn’t dreadfully long, my head was pounding uncomfortably from sickness. My cold I had gotten from Louis was making me miserably ill, but I couldn’t bring myself to be mad or annoyed at Lou for doing it, since how I received it was a lovely thing.

Liam answered, obviously the only one that ever listened to management when they told us information. “Yeah, in three weeks we’re doing a Charity Concert to raise funds for the Child Hospice, which will be fun and exciting and entirely new for us since we’ve never done a concert for a cause like this before. So, we’re all looking forward to giving back.”

“Yeah, we’re all ready for another big show – especially one where we can give back to the people that love us. The children in particular,” Zayn added, crossing his arms over his chest as he leant back in his seat comfortably. The interviewer looked over at me, and I smiled nodding. I felt Louis mutter a ‘yeah, it’s great’ beside me and I smiled at the sound of his angelic voice. Niall stayed silent though.

“So when do the tickets go on sale?” The interviewer – who I presumed was French or European due to her accent – asked kindly.

Niall spoke up this time, obviously knowing the information that I definitely didn’t know about. “Yeah, they go on sale this Saturday morning at eight am. Sorry for the early start guys,” he said politely and thickly with his own accent that millions of girls screamed over. His accent was adorable, on him, and I understand why girls love it. If I were a girl, I’d scream over it. When I wasn’t screaming over Louis though, of cause.

“The tickets cost $100 dollars for closer seats, and $80 if you’re not as close, but either way, you’re going to have a great shot of us and we’re giving away all the funding to the charity the day after.” Liam said happily and with a goofy grin.

We were all happy to do the concert, even though we only found out earlier this morning that we were doing it. I wasn’t too shocked that it was only two weeks away, that was plenty of time to organise everything, and besides, I would do it on the street out in the rain if I had to for this charity.

“So, on a different note, when do you think we’ll hear a new single or perhaps a new album?”

Louis sat up straighter beside me, and I knew what was going through his head: no idea. “We actually don’t know. We have a few songs written, but they haven’t been recorded yet. But we hope to do it soon. So maybe in a few months we will be able to release a new song.”

The interviewer smiled, shifting in her own seat. She looked down at the sheet of paper momentarily before meeting our eyes again with a sheepish smile. “So, I’m going to as a few fan questions now, if you don’t mind,” she said, but it sounded like a question, so I said a vague ‘alright’.

“So LisaLovesOneDirection asked: what is the one thing you can’t leave your house without?”

I sat there for a moment, and met eyes with the rest of the boys. Liam answered first, “I’d say my phone, because that way I can keep in contact and everything.”

“I’d say my phone too, or my shoes since I hate feet.” Niall said after a moment’s thought and I smiled.

“Uh…I’d say my phone too actually. That’s pretty important.” Zayn said thirdly.

“I’d say…” Louis began and his eyes scanned the line until they landed on me. “Harry! I don’t like going anywhere without Harry!”

The guys and the interviewer laughed, but I had to force mine and so did Louis, because we both knew he was being serious. I stopped ‘laughing’ and spoke for myself. “I don’t leave without Louis or my phone so I can text or call him.”

“Aw, Haz!” Louis said overdramatically, grabbing my cheeks in his hands and squeezing, rocking my head side-to-side almost painfully.

“The next question is from LarryForPresident and they want to know: do any of you boys agree with any of the bromances, if so, which ones and why?”

I thought for a moment and looked at the interviewer politely. “I’d say Nizza to be honest…” I heard Niall snort and Zayn chuckled quietly from his spot on the couch.

“What is that anyway,” Liam asked, and I looked at him distastefully.

“It’s obviously Niall and Pizza mate, get with it.” Zayn clarified and Liam shook his head, now understanding, laughing himself for a moment.

“I like Larry Stylinson,” Liam said, followed by two more yesses from Niall and Zayn. I blushed a deep crimson, ducking my chin mortifyingly. I knew the boys were taking the piss, but I couldn’t help thinking they were telling the truth.

Would it really be bad if the fans found out the truth?

I mean, about Louis and me dating? Because really, they have a romance name for us, so that must count as something…right?

After the interview, Louis and I went back to our flat and I collapsed on the couch, exhausted from all the questions. Louis sat down beside me, leaning his head against my shoulder.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before Louis’ head snapped up. I looked over at him, startled from the sudden movement. “What?” I asked curiously.

He looked over at me, realisation and remembrance in his eyes. “Karla!” The name sounded familiar, but nothing in my head clicked. I wracked my brain for an answer, and it was on the elusive edges, but it never came. Louis must have seen my confusion as he rolled his eyes. “The waitress we had at the restaurant. Remember we got her number and told we’d call and get her backstage tickets to our next concert?”

Suddenly, the memory flashed back before my eyes and a smile crossed my lips. I nodded, reaching for my phone, clicking through my contacts. When I reached her number, I hit the green button, and it began to dial.

On the fifth ring, she picked up. “H-hello?” Her voice was shaky, nervous almost, and I wasn’t sure why. Then I realised something: she was a big fan of us, and she had my number, so it must have been shocking to see me calling her.

“Karla? Hey, it’s Harry and Louis!”

She didn’t respond at first, but then I heard a gasp and a large intake of breathe. “Hey guys! How are you?”

“We’re good! How are you?”

I heard her sigh, “average. I’m really tired.”

“At work?” I asked when I heard plates crash followed by an unmentionable word.

She snorted, “Is it that obvious?” I knew the question was rhetorical.

“Anyway, I have a question for you.”


I smiled down the end of the line. “Would you like to come backstage our charity concert?”

She gasped loudly, and I heard her suddenly fall into a coughing fit. I bit my lip, concerned, but then she cleared her throat carefully. “You seriously meant that when you said you’d let me go at the restaurant?”

I laughed, “Yes! Of cause we did!”

“Wow…” she said simply, star-struck.

“Would you like to go?”

She giggled childishly, “Yes please!” I told her the details, and she gave us her address so we could pick her up along the way the venue on the day of the concert.

At around midnight I felt a hand wrap around my waist, drawing me closer. I looked over at them sleepily, noticing Louis resting his head on my chest as he slept soundly on the sofa. I grinned down at him, happy that he was sleeping.

And loving the way he looked like an angel sleeping.

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