Chapter 5 part 2/2 Days like this

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Harry POV: the interview

I sighed as I scrambled through the kitchen, pulling out a pan, and turning the hotplates on.

I poured some oil on the pan, grabbed two eggs out of the fridge, and cracked them onto it. They began cooking immediately. I grabbed another pan, placing it on the other hotplates, and began to cook bacon and placed two slices of toast in the toaster. Despite the fact that I was incredibly upset – and slightly pissed off nonetheless – I was making Louis breakfast.

 I always did – why would I stop now?

Our mums had left earlier; they stopped by the living room and told me that they were heading into some of the shops for a look. I happily let them go, telling them I had an interview today anyway.

I heard Louis’ bedroom door open slowly, and I heard him step down onto the steps, hesitating, before taking more steps. I counted the number of steps he took. One, two, three, four, five, six; he got to seven before he stopped, hesitating some more. I swallowed: why did he have to do that to me?

I don’t understand Louis sometimes.

He tries to make everyone else happy by making a fool of himself, but when the moment comes for him to make someone happy by being serious…he just complicates things. Like at the party…he tried to make me happy by kissing me – he suspected what my mum was indicating, so he tried to prove to me that I wasn’t gay…for him. But…he just made me love him more.

I know I shouldn’t – it’s ridiculous. His lips were incredibly soft, painfully so, and his hold on me was caring, elegant and just plain gorgeous on me. I had never felt something so peaceful and welcoming – my body craved this feeling. It was spectacular what he could do to me: it was a beautiful thing to witness, yet it was glorious to feel.

I heaved a heavy sigh, filled with pain and anger, and flipped the bacon onto its other side. It sizzled louder, making me unaware of Louis approaching footsteps. When I heard his shoes pad onto the kitchen tiles, I froze. When I felt his hands wrap around my waist, I dropped the tongs onto the floor. I gasped, shocked with pleasure and pain. What was he doing?

“Harry–” a knock on the door cut him off, and his arms loosened around me, followed by his usual annoyed sigh. I didn’t make a sound; I just bent and picked up the tongs off the tiles. Louis went to answer the door while I got his toast and put his bacon and eggs on top. I sat it on the counter, and put a knife and fork out, and left the room.

I didn’t bother waiting for his reaction or a thank-you.

When half past eleven came, I was all ready for the interview. I grabbed my sunglasses, phone and wallet, and put them into my pockets. I went over to my laptop on my desk, and pressed the ‘power off’ button. Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed the bracelet Louis had gotten me as a gift randomly months ago. I smiled broken heartedly.

What had we done to each other?

The car drive to the interview was awkward between Louis and I. We kept meeting eyes, and I turn my head away from him briskly, and at moments when I watched him and he wasn’t paying attention to me, I swear I could see his lip trembling.

My eyes were broken, and I was surprised that the boys didn’t pick it up. I hadn’t been this quiet in a long time, and it seemed that Louis and my relationship was going to be altered for much longer. I just wish I could fix it – but I couldn’t say anything to Louis. Not after what had actually happened.

It was awkward and uncomfortable – for both of us. What would I say? Oh, sorry about pushing you away Louis, I just didn’t want you to know that I was gay and actually falling for you so badly. Yeah, that’d work brilliantly.

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