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POV: 3rd Person

(Y/N) fled from Ciel's company, her heart pounding and her thoughts in turmoil. She regretted leaving him so abruptly, especially after sharing such an intimate moment, but the hunger was overwhelming. The sight of his exposed neck had triggered a primal urge that she struggled to control.

She moved swiftly through the garden, her breath coming in short, panicked gasps. The darkness provided a welcome cover, allowing her to navigate unseen by the other guests. She had to find blood—and quickly—before she lost herself completely.

(Y/N) reached the edge of the garden, where the carriages were parked. She made her way to her own carriage, her mind racing. She had kept a small stash of blood in a hidden compartment in case of emergencies like this. She could only hope that it would be enough to quell her thirst.

Climbing into the carriage, she fumbled with the hidden latch beneath the seat. Her hands shook as she finally pried it open, revealing several small vials of blood. She grabbed one and uncorked it, drinking it down in desperate gulps. The rich, metallic taste filled her mouth, and she felt a wave of relief wash over her as the hunger subsided.

Her mind began to clear, and she slumped back in the carriage seat, the empty vial slipping from her fingers. She closed her eyes, trying to steady her breathing and calm her racing heart. The memory of Ciel's concerned face haunted her, and she felt a pang of guilt for running away.

"Get it together," she whispered to herself. "You can't let him see you like this. You have to be stronger."

(Y/N) took a deep breath and reached for another vial, taking smaller sips this time. The blood helped to stabilize her, but it also reminded her of the secret she had been keeping. She had never told anyone about her vampiric nature, fearing their reaction and the potential danger it posed to those around her.

After a few moments, she felt more in control and decided it was time to return to the gala. She couldn't avoid Ciel forever, and she needed to explain her abrupt departure without revealing too much. She grabbed another vial and placed it under the bust of her gown, just in case.

Stepping out of the carriage, she smoothed down her dress and composed herself. She took another deep breath and began to make her way back to the grand hall. As she walked, she rehearsed what she would say to Ciel, hoping he would understand without asking too many questions.

Re-entering the grand hall, (Y/N) scanned the crowd for any sign of Ciel but couldn't find him. Disappointed, she made her way to the refreshments table and grabbed a glass of champagne. As she gazed over the other delectables, trying to calm her nerves, she was stopped by a man with striking blonde hair and electrifying blue eyes.

"Good evening," he said, his voice smooth and confident. "I couldn't help but notice you seemed a bit lost. Allow me to introduce myself—Alois Trancy."

(Y/N) noted his good looks and the charm in his smile, but there was something unsettling in his gaze. She forced a polite smile in return. "Good evening, Lord Trancy. Lady (L/N). It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine," Alois replied, his eyes glinting with intrigue. "I've seen you around, but we've never had the chance to speak. What brings you to this ball?"

"Just a social obligation," she answered, trying to keep her tone light. "And you?"

Alois chuckled, a sound that sent a chill down her spine. "Oh, much the same. These events can be rather dull, don't you think? But sometimes, you meet someone interesting enough to make it worthwhile."

(Y/N) took a sip of her champagne, her mind still partially on Ciel. "I suppose that's true."

Alois tilted his head slightly, studying her with keen interest. "You seem preoccupied. Is there something on your mind?"

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