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POV: 3rd Person

The next morning, the (H/C)-haired damsel arises from her sheets with a serious case of bed head. With a yawn and a stretch, she rises from her bed, pushing the disheveled strands of hair away from her face. The events of the previous evening still fresh in her mind, she can't help but think about the mysterious Lord Phantomhive and the business proposal he had presented.

Her thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door, as Phillips enters the room with a fresh glass of blood. With an elegant and appreciative nod, she takes the glass from Phillips and savors the taste. The rich crimson liquid invigorates her, granting her the energy to face the day ahead.

"Thank you, Phillips," she says, setting the glass down on a nearby table. "Please, inform me of today's schedule."

Phillips bows slightly before speaking. "Of course, my Lady. You have a meeting scheduled with the heads of the logistics department to discuss the expansion of the transportation routes. Following that, you have a luncheon with Mr. Westfield, the representative from one of the partner companies."

"Very well," she replies. "Please ensure that everything is prepared accordingly."

Phillips gives an efficient nod and departs to carry out her instructions.

As soon as Phillips leaves the room, Maria arrives, ready to help the young Lady prepare for the day. Maria assists the young lady in getting dressed, carefully selecting a tasteful gown in a cool lilac shade that complements her (E/C) eyes. The intricate lace and embroidery on the gown exude an air of sophistication, perfect for her business meeting and luncheon.

Once she's dressed and her hair is tidied into an elegant updo, Maria hands her a pair of gloves and delicately fastens them to her wrists, a final touch to her ensemble

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Once she's dressed and her hair is tidied into an elegant updo, Maria hands her a pair of gloves and delicately fastens them to her wrists, a final touch to her ensemble. "You look absolutely stunning, my Lady," Maria remarks with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Maria," the young lady replies with a nod of appreciation. "Now, let us not keep the heads of the logistics department waiting. They may have valuable insights on the expansion plans."

With that, she heads downstairs to the meeting room, her confident steps echoing in the grand estate. The logistics department members are already gathered, each one dressed in the formal attire. A large mahogany table dominates the room, covered in documents and maps.

"Good morning, my Lady," the head of the department, Mr. Worthington, greets her with a respectful nod. "We have prepared the reports you requested for the expansion discussion."

"Thank you, Mr. Worthington," she replies. "Let's proceed."

The meeting continues, with in-depth discussions about potential new routes, transportation methods, and the associated costs and benefits. The young lady's keen business acumen shines as she addresses each point and poses thoughtful questions to the department heads. The exchange of ideas is rigorous and productive, a testament to her leadership.

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