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                              •The ball pt. 3•

POV: 1st person

During my bath I began to think about how tonight could go. As I was procrastinating, the water had become cold, like ice against my skin. Unbothered by the cold temperature, I exit the bathtub and wrap a robe around my drenched body, feeling refreshed from this morning events.

As I exit the bathroom I find Maria making the bed, and the dress left earlier nowhere in sight. I internally sigh in relief when she doesn't bring the blood on the dress up. It was foolish of me to be so careless with my thirst as I could've exposed myself to Maria.

"Did you enjoy your bath, my lady?" Maria questions.

"Yes I did, positively delightful" I reply with a ghost of a smile present on my face.

"Well we must get you ready my lady" she exclaims in excitement. "I have gotten you the finest dress in all of England. One from that seamstress you liked so much" she continues with a smile upon her aging face. Maria skips to the closet and pulls out a bag with a garment present inside. I wander over towards the bed to take a look at the dress.

 I wander over towards the bed to take a look at the dress

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I let out a soft gasp. "It's...beautiful." The dress was a vibrant red adorned with a gem and Pearl droplet on the bosom. The tightly laced bodice and flowing gown insinuated the beauty of the dress. A close-fitting, décolleté garment made with one of the finest of silks. The heavy, made-to-measure dress contrasted beautifully with my skin, showing off just the right amount of my porcelain tone.

"Oh my Maria, this is truly a magnificent gown!"

"You don't have to say anything dearie, let's just get you ready" she replied in a soft voice.

I sat down at my vanity while Maria got to work. I have to say she works fast. She curled up my hair in rollers and let them sit so it would leave a nice curl in my hair afterwards. Next Maria did my makeup, careful not to mess up and ruin my 'naturally beautiful complexion'. Within a few moments I had my face and hair done to a professional state.

"You truly look beautiful, my lady" she says looking at me approvingly. "Well not yet" I reply. "We still have to get the dress on" I say glancing at the corset hanging off the side of my bed. I internally wince. Those are not the best things to put on, but I suppose I have to if I want to look good in the dress and make a good first impression on my guests.

I take off my robe and stand in my undergarments in the center of the room. I then slowly walk towards the end of the bed and grip the wooden frame. "You can put it on now" I say, uncertainty laced in my voice. Maria grabs the corset and places it around my waist, pulling the lace through the holes, slowly tightening it.

"Are you ready my lady?" Maria questions. "Ready as I'll ever be"

Suddenly she pulls the two ends of the ribbons towards herself instantly pushing all the air out of my body. I winced slightly, sucking in my stomach in pain. "Just two more times" Maria points out, then pulls at them again. I intake a sharp inhale of breath. "One more time" I say under my breath, clenching my teeth. Maria then pulls the final time, knotting the two ends together multiple times to make sure it was secure.

I exhale a large breath I didn't know I was holding in, relief written all over my face. "Are you okay my lady?" "Just fine, Maria"

As much as I hated the corset, I'm glad that I'm wearing it, because the ensemble fitted like a glove. The strapless, deep red dress of semi-embroidered fabric accentuated my thin waist, making it more flattering on my body. I was almost ready with some finishing touches such as earrings, a necklace and a bracelet.

Guests were arriving at the moment as it had only turned 6 o'clock, but I wouldn't be making any appearances until another half an hour. I wouldn't have to worry about blood at the moment as Phillips would provide me with some. Phillips is the only person that knows of my true identity, as he is the head butler. He is truly my only family left, even if we're not blood related.

As Maria exits the room, I glance at myself in the mirror. "Maria has truly outdone herself" a voice calls out behind me. I whip my head around to find Phillips standing at the doorway. "Phillips!" I exclaim, standing up to meet him at the doorway.

Phillips was was an old man, but I could see the young boy in him. The map of wrinkles on his face told of the most incredible journey. His eye lines told of laughter, warm smiles and affection. His forehead told of worries past and worries present. His twinkling eyes were framed by thick white eyebrows and on his stubbled chin were white whiskers with a thick groomed moustache to match.

"You look beautiful my dear" he says a look of fondness in his eyes. "Not as good as you Phillips, in your crisp black suit. What are you doing here anyways, shouldn't you be downstairs"

"I should, but I'm here to escort you to the grand hall" he smiles, eyes creasing in delight.

I reply with a small genuine smile. "Well then let us go"

He places his arm in front of him, and I grab it. On the way to the grand hall, many of the staff of the manor compliment me. I feel an overwhelming sense of pride and confidence fill me as we reach the doors. I hear the music on the other side of the door slow down and the conversations come to an abrupt stop.

"This is where I leave you my dear." Phillips says after a few moments. I glance up at him and give Phillips my thanks. He then let's go and strolls back down to the hallway, most likely to the kitchen. I take a deep breath as the doors open to reveal hundreds of people staring straight at me.


Thanks broskis for reading. Yeah actually Ceil and reader aren't meeting until next chapter. I'm so sorry don't get mad at me 🥺, I just like to put in as much detail to make sure you get the best reading experience. Don't forget to vote, comment and to leave a follow 🥰

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