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POV: 3rd Person

The sun rose over Phantomhive Manor, casting its early morning light through the grand windows and filling the rooms with a soft, golden glow. In the study, Ciel Phantomhive sat behind his massive oak desk, his hands interlaced in front of him as he contemplated the events of the previous night. Across from him stood Sebastian, whose expression remained unreadable as he awaited his master's instructions.

"Sebastian," Ciel began, his voice calm but laced with lingering tension, "what's the status on our security measures? I want every possible precaution taken to ensure the Viscount cannot approach us again."

"Of course, my lord," Sebastian replied smoothly. "I have already doubled the patrols around the manor and increased the frequency of our security checks. Furthermore, I have dispatched a team to gather intelligence on the Viscount's current whereabouts and his potential allies."

Ciel nodded, his sharp blue eyes narrowing slightly. "Good. We cannot afford to be caught off guard again."

As Sebastian turned to leave, Ciel's gaze fell on a delicate, silver tea set placed on a nearby tray. His mind drifted back to the events that had transpired in the cellar, and he couldn't shake the image of (Y/N) shackled to the wall, her wrists raw and bleeding.

"Sebastian," he called, stopping the butler in his tracks. "Last night, I noticed that the cut on (Y/N)'s throat had vanished by the time we returned to the manor. How is that possible?"

Sebastian turned back, "My lord, this is not the first time I have observed such rapid healing. Do you recall the incident several months ago, when she was attacked in the alley? I arrived just in time to intervene, but not before she had sustained several serious injuries. By the time I escorted her back to safety, those wounds had already begun to heal, just as they did last night."

Ciel's brow furrowed, the pieces of the puzzle slowly coming together. "So, this isn't a new phenomenon. But what does it mean? Such abilities are not common among humans."

"Indeed," Sebastian agreed, his tone thoughtful. "It is rare, even among those with extraordinary capabilities. Her healing ability suggests something beyond mere human resilience."

A suspicion formed in Ciel's mind, one that he voiced with careful consideration. "Could she be a demon as well? It would explain the rapid healing and other unusual traits. Yet, if she were a demon, we would have sensed it."

Sebastian nodded, his expression grave. "Precisely, my lord. We would have detected her demonic nature immediately. Moreover, her behavior and actions do not align with that of a typical demon. She displays a range of human emotions and vulnerabilities."

"Then what is she?" Ciel murmured, more to himself than to Sebastian. "She cannot simply be an ordinary human with extraordinary healing."

"Perhaps, my lord," Sebastian said, his eyes narrowing slightly. "It would be of utmost importance to keep a closer watch on her. There is much about her that remains a mystery, and until we have more information, we must be cautious."

Ciel nodded in agreement. "Yes. Keep her under surveillance, but discreetly. We cannot afford to let her suspect that we are aware of her abilities. And ensure that she remains safe. The Viscount may not have given up on his interest in her."

"Of course, my lord," Sebastian replied, bowing slightly. "I will see to it personally."


A week passed, filled with meticulous investigation and relentless pursuit of leads. Ciel and Sebastian delved deeper into the mystery of Jack the Ripper, scrutinizing every detail and interrogating various individuals with ties to the medical field.

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