idk what to name this chapter 🤭

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Logan sat on the edge of her bed, her shoulders trembling as tears streamed down her face. She buried her face in her hands, feeling the weight of her insecurities crushing her. She had always struggled with her self-image, and tonight, the feelings seemed unbearable.

Damian walked into the room, his heart aching at the sight of Logan's distress. He moved to sit beside her, his presence gentle but unwavering. "Logan," he whispered softly, placing a comforting hand on her back. "What's wrong?"

Logan shook her head, unable to find the words. Damian's touch was warm, but it couldn't reach the cold doubt that gripped her heart. "I just... I feel so... imperfect," she choked out between sobs.

Damian's eyes softened, and he tilted her chin up gently so their eyes met. "Logan, you are perfect to me," he said firmly, his voice filled with sincerity. "Every part of you."

She tried to look away, but Damian wouldn't let her. Instead, he leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. "You're perfect," he murmured against her skin.

He moved to her tear-streaked cheeks, kissing them softly. "Perfect," he repeated. His lips trailed down to her nose, then her chin, each kiss a silent promise.

Logan's breath hitched as Damian's kisses found the places she felt most insecure about. Her arms, which she always thought were too flabby. Damian kissed the inside of her wrists, his lips lingering. "Perfect," he whispered against her skin.

Her stomach, which she felt was never flat enough. Damian knelt in front of her, lifting her shirt slightly to press gentle kisses along her belly. "Perfect," he said again, his eyes locking onto hers, filled with adoration.

Logan's tears slowed, her heart swelling with each touch of Damian's lips. She felt a warmth spreading through her, a feeling of acceptance she hadn't allowed herself to feel in a long time.

Damian stood up, cupping her face in his hands. He looked into her eyes, his own shining with love. "You are perfect to me, Logan. Every single part of you. I love you."

He leaned in, capturing her lips in a soft, passionate kiss. Logan melted into him, her hands clutching at his shirt as if he were her lifeline. The kiss deepened, and the world around them seemed to fade away.

They pulled back slightly, their foreheads resting against each other. Logan's tears had stopped, replaced by a tentative smile. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

Damian smiled back, brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. "Always," he replied, kissing her once more, sealing his promise with his lips.

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