Oh My Lord

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As Damian's friends whisked him away for a night of youthful revelry, Logan found herself embarking on a more subdued adventure with her closest companions. The evening began with a sense of quiet anticipation as they gathered at Logan's apartment, the air thick with excitement and nostalgia.

They started the night with a low-key dinner at Logan's favorite pizza joint, a cozy spot known for its delicious slices and laid-back atmosphere. Around the table, Logan's friends raised their soda cans in a toast, sharing lighthearted jokes and reminiscing about their high school days.
With dinner finished, the group piled into Logan's car and set off for a nearby beach house that Damians's family owned. The salty breeze and crashing waves provided the perfect backdrop for their night of fun.
Inside the beach house, they wasted no time in breaking out the board games and snacks, eager to kick off the festivities. The sound of laughter filled the air as they played round after round of charades and card games, the competition fierce but friendly.
As the night wore on, they gathered around a bonfire on the beach, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories of their most embarrassing moments. Damian, the youngest of the group at just 19, laughed along with the rest, grateful for the opportunity to spend time with his friends before the big day.
In between marshmallow roasting and storytelling, Damian stole glances at Logan, his heart swelling with love and anticipation. Despite his young age, Damian was certain that Logan was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and he couldn't wait to make her his wife.
As the embers of the fire died down and fatigue began to set in, Logan's friends retreated to the beach house, ready to call it a night. Damian lingered behind for a moment, gazing out at the vast expanse of the ocean shimmering in the moonlight.
In that moment of quiet reflection, Damian felt a surge of excitement and nerves about the future. But above all, he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the friends who had made this night possible and for the love he shared with Logan.
With a contented sigh, Damian turned and headed back to the beach house, eager to rest up for the adventures that lay ahead. Tomorrow would bring a new chapter in his journey with Logan, and he couldn't wait to see what the future held.


With the wedding date looming closer, Logan found herself consumed by a mounting sense of panic. The cancellation from the florist, followed by the caterer's unexpected double booking, sent her spiralling into a state of anxiety. She couldn't shake the feeling that everything was falling apart, threatening to turn her dream wedding into a nightmare.
As she sat at the kitchen table, surrounded by stacks of wedding planning books and half-finished to-do lists, Logan's hands trembled as she scrolled through her phone, desperately trying to find a solution. Each call to potential vendors ended in disappointment, leaving her feeling more defeated than ever.
Feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of tears, Logan buried her face in her hands, the weight of the impending disaster bearing down on her. She couldn't help but wonder if she and Damian were doomed from the start, destined for a lifetime of misfortune and disappointment.
Just as Logan felt herself teetering on the edge of despair, Damian entered the room, his presence a beacon of calm amidst the chaos. Sensing Logan's distress, he rushed to her side, wrapping her in a tight embrace.
"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay," Damian murmured soothingly, pressing a kiss to Logan's forehead. "We'll figure this out together, I promise."
Logan clung to Damian, drawing strength from his unwavering support. With his arms around her, she felt a flicker of hope ignite within her chest, pushing back against the darkness threatening to engulf her.
"But how?" Logan whispered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "Everything's falling apart, Damian. What if we can't fix it in time? What if... what if we're not meant to be?"
Damian's heart ached at the fear and doubt in Logan's voice, but he refused to let her succumb to despair. Gently guiding her to the table, he took her hand in his, meeting her gaze with unwavering determination.
"We'll find a way, Logan. We always do," Damian said, his voice steady and resolute. "And as for us... there's no one else I'd rather face these challenges with. We've been through so much already, and we've always come out stronger on the other side. This is just another bump in the road, and we'll get through it together, I promise."
With Damian's words echoing in her ears, Logan felt a spark of determination ignite within her. Wiping away her tears, she squared her shoulders and nodded, a newfound resolve shining in her eyes.
"Okay," she said, her voice stronger now. "Okay, let's do this."
Together, Damian and Logan set to work, their minds buzzing with ideas and possibilities. They reached out to friends and family for help, pooling their resources and tapping into their network of connections. With each phone call and email, they grew more confident that they would find a solution, no matter how daunting the challenge.
As the hours stretched into the night, Damian and Logan worked tirelessly, fueled by a shared sense of purpose and determination. And as they finally collapsed into bed in the early hours of the morning, exhaustion tugging at their eyelids, they knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand.

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