I suggest you leave right about ...........now

14 1 0

Logan walks into the safehouse Jason and her called home. " Hey baby, how was school " Jason asked his gorgeous daughter who was ........hiding her face from him. Logan didn't reply to her father's question so Jason asked again "Babe, what's wrong? did something happen at school? " 

Again Jason got no reply, so he let it go, Logan had always been a bright and cheerful child, but lately, she had been coming home from school with a sad look on her face. She would often hide in her room, avoiding her father's questions about her day.

One day, Jason decided to confront her about it. He asked her how school was and if she had made any new friends. Logan hesitated for a moment before finally admitting that she was being bullied by some of her classmates. Jason was shocked and angry. He wanted to march right into the school and confront the bullies himself, but Logan begged him not to. She was afraid of making things worse for herself. Jason knew he had to do something, so he decided to talk to Logan's teacher. He explained the situation and asked if there was anything they could do to stop the bullying. The teacher was understanding and promised to keep an eye on Logan and the other students. She also suggested that Logan join a support group for kids who were being bullied. Logan was hesitant at first, but she eventually agreed to join the group. There, she met other kids who were going through similar experiences, and she learned coping strategies for dealing with the bullies, but unfortunately, the bullying didn't stop, of course, Logan is a part of the Batfamily with 7 vigilante uncles and aunts, 1 killer dad and 2 badass grandparents that could help her but logan refused Jasons offer to let them help, Logan's father, Jason Todd was the one who took the bullying the hardest. Knowing that his daughter was being hurt by other kids made him feel helpless and angry. But he knew that he had to be strong for Logan and help her in any way he could. Jason spent a lot of time talking to Logan about what she was going through. He listened to her fears and concerns, and he was always there to offer a shoulder to cry on. He also made sure to talk to the school authorities and the parents of the bullies to make them aware of the situation. Despite all of his efforts, the bullying didn't stop, and Logan was still being targeted by her classmates. But Jason didn't give up. He continued to support Logan and make sure that she knew she wasn't alone. Together with the rest of the Batfamily, Jason helped Logan build her confidence and learn how to stand up for herself. He was always there to offer words of encouragement and to remind her that she was strong and capable. Eventually, Logan was able to overcome the bullies and move on from the experience. She became a stronger and more resilient person, and she knew that she could always count on her father and the rest of the Batfamily to be there for her, no matter what. Despite the efforts of Jason and the school authorities, the bullying didn't stop, and Logan continued to be targeted by her classmates. One day, while walking home from school, Logan was physically attacked by a group of bullies. They were beating her up when Damian Wayne, who also goes to Logan's school, stumbled upon the scene. Seeing Logan in distress, Damian quickly jumped into action and stood up for her. He fought off the bullies and protected Logan from further harm. Although he may have used some force, it was clear that he intended to protect Logan and put an end to the bullying once and for all. After the incident, Jason was grateful to Damian for standing up for Logan and protecting her from harm. He knew that violence was never the answer, but he also understood that sometimes it was necessary to defend oneself. He talked to Damian about the importance of non-violent conflict resolution and encouraged him to find other ways to deal with bullies in the future. Despite the physical altercation, Logan was relieved that someone had finally stood up for her and protected her from harm. She was grateful to Damian for coming to her rescue and helping her in her time of need. In the end, the incident led to a greater awareness of the issue of bullying in the school, and steps were taken to prevent it from happening to anyone else. Logan learned to be more assertive and confident in herself, and she knew that she could count on her family and friends to support her no matter what. 

Lil  bit of Damian fighting off the bullies also Damian is 18 / 19 here in his last years of school 

Damian Wayne, the youngest member of the Batfamily, was walking home from school when he stumbled upon a group of bullies attacking his classmate, Logan. Without hesitation, he jumped into action, using his training and skills to fight off the bullies and protect Logan from harm. The bullies were surprised to see someone standing up to them, but Damian didn't back down. "I suggest you leave right about now," he said firmly, his voice filled with confidence and determination. The bullies hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. But Damian's fighting skills were too much for them, and they eventually fled the scene, leaving Logan safe and unharmed. Logan was grateful to Damian for coming to her rescue. She had been targeted by the bullies for months, and she felt helpless and alone. But Damian's bravery gave her hope and made her feel like she wasn't alone in her struggle. After the incident, Logan and Damian became good friends. They bonded over their shared experiences and their love for the Batfamily. Damian continued to protect Logan and stand up for her whenever she needed him.And although he may have used force to defend her, Damian never forgot the importance of non-violent conflict resolution. He knew that sometimes violence was necessary to protect oneself, but he also understood that there were other ways to deal with bullies and resolve conflicts.In the end, Damian's bravery and determination led to a greater awareness of the issue of bullying in the school. The bullies were punished for their actions, and steps were taken to prevent it from happening to anyone else.Logan learned to be more assertive and confident in herself, and she knew that she could count on her friend Damian and the rest of the Batfamily to support her no matter what.

oml the longest chapter I've ever doneee 1121 words :>>>>>>

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