always and forever

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As Damian's mind churned with a whirlwind of doubt and self-recrimination, the air crackled with anticipation. He paced nervously, his thoughts spiraling into a vortex of fear and insecurity."What if she doesn't show up?" he agonized silently. "What if she hates me? I dont blame her. I hate me too. Why are we even having this wedding? Who would want to marry me?"As Damian stood at the altar, his heart pounded against his chest like a drumbeat of anticipation. The grandeur of the venue seemed to fade into insignificance as his gaze remained fixed on the entrance, where Logan would soon make her appearance.His mind raced with a kaleidoscope of emotions, each one vying for dominance in the tumult of his thoughts. Fear, doubt, excitement, and love swirled together in a dizzying whirlwind, threatening to overwhelm him in their intensity."Easy there, Damian," a familiar voice murmured beside him, breaking through the cacophony of his thoughts. It was Dick Grayson, his adoptive brother and closest confidant, offering a reassuring smile as he placed a comforting hand on Damian's shoulder."You've got this," Dick whispered, his voice filled with confidence and warmth. "Just breathe, and remember why you're here."Damian nodded, grateful for Dick's words of encouragement. In that moment, he drew strength from their bond, from the unspoken understanding that had always existed between them.As the music swelled and the doors swung open, Damian's breath caught in his throat at the sight of Logan making her entrance. She was breathtaking, a vision of beauty and grace as she glided down the aisle, her eyes shining with love and happiness.Their eyes locked in a silent exchange, a shared moment of connection that transcended words. In that instant, Damian felt a surge of emotion wash over him, a tidal wave of love and gratitude that threatened to sweep him away in its wake.Logan reached the altar, her hand trembling slightly as Damian took it in his own. Their fingers intertwined, forming a bond that felt unbreakable, a promise of love and devotion that would withstand the test of time.The officiant began the ceremony, their words a soothing balm to Damian's frayed nerves. As they spoke of love and commitment, of the journey that lay ahead, Damian found himself drawn deeper into the sanctity of the moment, his focus narrowing to encompass only Logan and the vows they were about to exchangeDamian's Vows:"Logan, from the moment our paths crossed, my heart knew a peace it had never known before. You, with your grace and strength, have shown me a love I never dared to dream of. Today, as I stand here, trembling yet resolute, I vow to honour and cherish you for all eternity. In your eyes, I see my salvation, my sanctuary from the storms of life. I promise to be your shelter in the darkness, to hold you close and keep you safe. I vow to be the steady hand that guides you through life's trials, the unwavering support that lifts you up when you falter. With every beat of my heart, I offer you my love, my loyalty, and my unwavering devotion. Today and always, I give you all that I am, all that I have, and all that I will ever be."Logan's Vows:"Damian, from the depths of my soul, I vow to love you with a love that knows no bounds. You, with your fierce determination and unwavering loyalty, have captured my heart in a way I never thought possible. Today, as I stand here, trembling yet emboldened by your presence, I vow to walk beside you through the valleys and the peaks of life. In your arms, I find my refuge, my sanctuary from the chaos of the world. I promise to be your light in the darkness, to stand by your side and lift you up when you stumble. I vow to be the voice that whispers words of encouragement in your ear, the hand that reaches out to hold yours in times of need. With every breath I take, I pledge my love to you, my Damian, my soulmate, my forever. Today and always, I give you my heart, my soul, and my unwavering commitment."As Damian and Logan speak these vows, their voices quiver with raw emotion, their eyes shining with tears of joy and gratitude."Damian Thomas Wanye ," the officiant prompted, breaking through the haze of Damian's thoughts. "Do you take Logan Cristine Todd to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?""I do," Damian replied, his voice strong and unwavering as he met Logan's gaze with a steely resolve."And do you, Logan Cristine Todd , take Damian Thomas Wanye  to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?""I do," Logan affirmed, her voice filled with conviction as she returned Damian's gaze with equal fervor.With the exchange of vows complete, Damian felt a profound sense of peace settle over him, a certainty that this was where he was meant to be, with the woman he loved by his side.As they exchanged rings

Under the red hoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora