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heartbroken, that's the only words that could describe Logan now, heartbroken 

logan was in s.e class at Gotham High, dying to get out of this incredibly awkward class, she raised her hand "Yes Logan" the teacher asked "May I go to the bathroom" Logan asked "Yes" her teacher replied, phew finally got out of that mess logan decides to make the most of her time out of class by walking around for no apparent reason that when she sees .......................it 

Logan's heart drops as she sees her best friend Rachel Roth and her boyfriend Jonathan Kent making out in the hallway. Logan couldn't believe her eyes, she felt like her heart had been shattered into a million pieces. She loved Jonathan, they had been together for 6 months 

Logan tried to compose herself, but tears started to well up in her eyes. She quickly turned around and started walking away, hoping that no one had noticed her. She walked aimlessly, not knowing where to go or what to do.As she turned a corner, she bumped into someone. "Watch where you're going!" a gruff voice said. Logan looked up and saw Damian Wayne, the school's resident bad boy. He was known for his sharp tongue and even sharper temper.Logan was about to apologize when Damian noticed her tears. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, sounding surprisingly gentle. Logan shook her head, unable to speak.Damian didn't say anything, but he took her hand and led her to a quiet corner of the school. He sat down and pulled her down beside him. "What happened?" he asked softly.Logan hesitated for a moment, but then she spilled everything. She told him about  Jonathan, about seeing him and Rachel together, about how heartbroken she was.Damian listened patiently, and when she was done, he put his arm around her. "I'm sorry," he said. "That sucks."Logan looked up at him, surprised. She had never imagined that she would be comforted by someone like Damian. But in that moment, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that she wasn't alone.

They sat there for a while, not saying anything. Logan leaned her head on Damian's shoulder, feeling strangely comforted by his presence. And in that moment, she knew that things would eventually get better. 

logan hesitated before telling Damian who Jonathan was cheating with, Rachel, his girlfriend Damian was heartbroken, and Logan was shocked she never thought she'd see the great Damian Wayne al Ghul crying 

As they sat there, Damian's tears slowly subsided, and he wiped his eyes. He looked at Logan, who was still leaning against him, and he felt a strange sense of comfort in her presence. He had always been drawn to her quiet strength and her unwavering determination, and in that moment, he realized that he had feelings for her."I'm sorry," he said, his voice hoarse. "I never meant to burden you with my problems."Logan shook her head. "It's okay. I'm here for you."They sat in silence for a few moments, and then Damian took a deep breath. "Logan, there's something I need to tell you. I know this might not be the best time, but I can't keep it inside any longer."Logan looked up at him, her eyes curious. "What is it?"Damian hesitated for a moment, and then he took her hand in his. "I...I think I have feelings for you. I know it's crazy, and we've only known each other for a couple of months, but I can't help how I feel."Logan stared at him, her heart racing. She had never thought of Damian in that way before, but as she looked into his eyes, she realized that she felt the same way. As Damian confessed his feelings for Logan, he leaned in and kissed her. It was a soft, tender kiss at first, but it quickly deepened as they both realized their mutual attraction. They lost themselves in the moment, forgetting everything else around them. Finally, they pulled away, both breathless and with their hearts racing.

They looked into each other's eyes, both feeling a spark that they had never felt before. Damian smiled at logan, a sweet side smile after looking away blushing, logan grabbed Damian's chin making him look at her, and thats it they stayed like that for more than 10 minutes As they returned to the manor, they immediately rushed to Damian's room, eagerly kissing each other. Her hands tangled in his hair as he tackled her onto his bed, eliciting giggles from her. He slipped his hands up her shirt, making her gasp in the middle of their passionate kiss. Damian saw this as an opportunity to deepen the connection between them, so he slipped his tongue into her mouth.

Their chemistry was undeniable, and in that moment, nothing else mattered except for the intense attraction they felt for each other. The electricity between them was palpable, and the room seemed to crackle with their desire.

At that moment, they were lost in each other, consumed by the passion that burned brightly between them. It was a moment of pure bliss, where time seemed to stand still, and they were the only two people in the world.

As they lay entwined on Damian's bed, thoughts of the future filled their minds. They talked about what their relationship would look like, about the challenges they may face, but through it all, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Damian and Logan's relationship only grew stronger with each passing day. They shared laughter, tears,  moments, and deep conversations. They navigated life's ups and downs together, always supporting each other through thick and thin.

Their love for each other continued to deepen and evolve. What started as a simple kiss had blossomed into a beautiful, meaningful relationship. They found solace in each other's arms and comfort in each other's presence. Damian and Logan knew that they were meant to be together, their connection was undeniable.

And as they stood hand in hand, facing the world together, they knew that no matter what challenges may come their way, as long as they had each other, they had everything they needed. Their love story was just beginning, and they were excited to see where life would take them next. 

but they knew that their parents wouldn't approve of logans adoptive father being Damian's adoptive brother 

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