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there is 2 weeks until the wedding and Damian has finally found a suit that he likes for the wedding but trying it on was a whole other thing 

As Damian returned home, anticipation and nervousness tangled within him like a thorny vine. The suit he had chosen for the wedding had seemed perfect in the store, but now, as he stood before the mirror, doubts crept in like shadows in the night.With trembling hands, he smoothed the suit's fabric, trying to ignore the way it seemed to accentuate all the flaws he saw in himself. The jacket felt too tight around his chest, the pants clinging uncomfortably to his legs. He couldn't shake the feeling that he looked more like a child playing dress-up than a groom ready to walk down the aisle.Logan's voice echoed in his mind, her words of reassurance a distant memory in the face of his self-doubt. How could he stand before her on their wedding day, looking like this? How could he expect her to see anything but the imperfections he saw in himself?Frustration simmered beneath the surface as Damian struggled to tame the torrent of emotions. He had always prided himself on his strength, his resilience in the face of adversity. But now, faced with his reflection, he felt small and powerless, a mere shadow of the man he aspired to be.With a heavy sigh, Damian sank onto the edge of his bed, his insecurities pressing down upon him like a leaden cloak. He couldn't bear the thought of Logan seeing him like this, of seeing the vulnerability he had worked so hard to conceal.But just as despair threatened to consume him, a gentle knock sounded at the door, followed by Logan's voice, soft and soothing. "Damian, are you alright?" she called, her concern palpable even through the wooden barrier.For a moment, Damian hesitated, unsure if he could bear to let her see him in this state. But then, with a resigned sigh, he opened the door, his gaze downcast as he braced himself for her reaction.damian explained everything going on in his mind "my biggest fear is that one day you'll see me the way i see my self" he said , hot tears streaming down his face like waterfalls To his surprise, Logan's expression was not one of judgment or disappointment, but of understanding and unwavering love. " and my biggest wish is that on day you'll see your self the way i see you " Logan said in ricochet caressing damians cheeks wiping his molten tears of fhis perfect porcelain skin "damain , habibi , your perfect and i wish you knew that but until you do i will continue to tell you everyday just how beautiful you are " logan added placing a peck on his cheekLogan's words wrapped around Damian's heart like a warm embrace, soothing the ache of his insecurities. He looked into her eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity and unwavering devotion reflected back at him."Habibi," Logan whispered, her voice a gentle melody in the quiet room. "Your imperfections are what make you uniquely you. To me, you are perfect in every way."Damian felt a weight lift from his shoulders as Logan's words sank in. He had always strived for perfection, but perhaps perfection wasn't about flawless appearances; perhaps it was about acceptance and love.Logan's touch was like a healing balm, her fingers wiping away his tears with tenderness. "You are the love of my life," she continued, her voice steady and filled with affection. "And on our wedding day, I will stand beside you with pride, knowing that the man I marry is not defined by external standards, but by the depth of his heart."Damian felt a surge of gratitude and love for Logan, who saw past his insecurities and loved him unconditionally. He took a deep breath, steadying himself against the tide of doubt that threatened to pull him under."Thank you, Beloved," Damian murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "For loving me when I struggle to love myself."Logan smiled softly, her eyes sparkling with tenderness. "You don't have to face this alone," she replied, her hand finding his and squeezing it gently. "We're in this together."As Damian gazed into Logan's eyes, he knew that he was blessed to have found a partner who saw beyond the surface, who cherished him for who he was at his core. With Logan by his side, he felt a newfound resolve to embrace his imperfections and to walk proudly into their future together.In the remaining days leading up to their wedding, Damian carried Logan's words like a beacon of hope. With each passing moment, he found himself gradually letting go of the burden of self-doubt, replacing it with a quiet confidence rooted in the love they shared.On their wedding day, as Damian stood at the altar, his heart swelled with gratitude and joy. He glanced at Logan, radiant in her gown, her eyes sparkling with love and assurance. In that moment, surrounded by family and friends, Damian felt a profound sense of peace.As they exchanged vows, promising to love each other through life's joys and challenges, Damian knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be — with the person who saw him not as he saw himself, but as the person he was destined to become.

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