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today was the day Logan decided to tell Jason about her engagement  to Damian 

"Dad" Logan called out to her father 

"Yes Hon?" Jason replied to his EIGHTEEN-year-old daughter keep that in mind 

"What's up?" Jason asked, looking up from his newspaper. 

  Logan took a deep breath and said, "I have some news. Damian and I are engaged." Jason's eyes widened in surprise, and he put down his newspaper. "Enga-?", Logan suddenly burst into tears  "I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up I'm so stupid shouldn't have said Yes I'm so sorry "

she started to hyperventilate "Hey hey, calm down sweetheart," Jason said kneeling on the floor to get to logans level "Babe its  okay, your okay calm down" he added trying to console his daughter who was currently cradling herself on the floor crying, he succeeded, logan sniffled "I'm sorry" "why hon?" jason asked still in shock of his daughter breaking down so suddenly, logan wiped her tears " don't you hate me now, " Logan asked with her voice Horace 

"no sweetheart I love you always have and always will, " Jason said kind of mad that his daughter had been so mistreated she was afraid to tell him she was engaged 

"Really?" logan asked wiping her tears 

"really" Jason reassured his daughter 

Logan took a deep breath and continued, "I know we're young, but we love each other and we want to spend the rest of our lives together." Jason nodded, "I understand. I'm just surprised, that's all. But if you love him and he loves you, then that's what matters." Logan smiled gratefully at her father, "Thank you, Dad. I knew you would understand." Jason hugged her tightly, "Of course, honey. Always remember that I love you and I want you to be happy." Logan hugged her father back, feeling relieved and grateful for his support.

After a moment, Jason pulled back and looked at Logan. "So, have you thought about what you want to do next?" he asked. Logan nodded, "Damian and I were thinking of having a small ceremony, just family and close friends." Jason smiled, "That sounds wonderful. When are you thinking of doing it?" Logan shrugged, "We haven't decided yet. We just wanted to tell you first." Jason nodded, "I'm glad you did. It means a lot to me that you trust me enough to share this with me." Logan smiled, "Of course, Dad. You're the best." Jason chuckled, "I try." They both laughed, feeling happy and relieved. Logan knew that telling her father had been the right thing to do. She felt grateful for his love and support and knew that she could always count on him to be there for her. Jason listened carefully to Logan's plans for the wedding. "So, you want a small ceremony with just family and close friends," he repeated. Logan nodded, "Yes, I know Damian wants a big ceremony with everyone, but I just want something simple and intimate." Jason thought for a moment, "Well, it's your wedding, Alby You should have it the way you want it." Logan smiled gratefully, "Thank you, Dad. That means a lot to me." Jason hugged her again, "Of course, Habibti. I just want you to be happy." They talked a bit more about the wedding, and Jason offered to help in any way he could. Logan felt relieved and grateful for his support and knew that she could count on him to help make her special day perfect.

hey guys I know this is a short chapter but I wasn't planning on making it very long anyway But warning there's gonna be a lot of drama in the next couple of chapters

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