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Logan had been dating Damian for 6 months, and they were finally getting married in a few weeks. Logan had always been excited about the wedding, but things took a turn when she bumped into Jon, they had a conversation and cleared up a lot logan invited Jon to the wedding, and Logan immediately told Damian about the invitation. Damian was not happy about it and tried to convince Logan not to invite Jon. She tried to explain to Damian that Jon had apologized for his past behaviour and that it was time to move on. But Damian refused to listen and said that he wouldn't tolerate someone like Jon at their wedding.Logan became angry and frustrated and told Damian that she had already told Jon that he was invited and that she couldn't retract the invitation now. "I don't want someone who has hurt you mentally and physically attacked me at my wedding. Logan, end of discussion." Logan was stunned. This was the first time Damian had called her by her real name. He had always called her "Alby Habibiti Rohee" or "Beloved," but never "Logan." She washed away the thought and told Damian, "It's my choice, Damian. He's coming." But that's when Damian snapped "WELL IF YOU WANT JON TO BE THERE SO BAD THEN GO MARRY JON," he yelled."w-what are you saying "Logan whispered "IM SAYING I WANT T-...I want to break up"  Logan couldn't believe what was happening. She took her engagement ring off and placed it on the table. "Goodbye, Damian," she said softly, before walking out of the room

Logan was in a state of shock. She couldn't believe that Damian had just broken up with her over something like this. She had always thought that they were meant to be together, but now she wasn't so sure. She felt hurt and betrayed, but at the same time, she knew that she couldn't back out of her decision to invite Jon to the wedding. She had already given her word, and she couldn't go back on it now.As she walked out of the room, 

Two days after the breakup, Damian went to see Logan to talk to her. "Beloved, I'm so sorry. I never should have lost my temper like that. I love you so much, and if inviting Jon would make you happy, then we can do that. Please, please forgive me," Damian said, tears welling up in his eyes.

After hearing Damian's apology, Logan felt a pang of sadness ,she didn't want to hold onto anger and bitterness and that forgiving Damian was the right thing to do. "I appreciate your apology, Damian. I forgive you," Logan said, taking a deep breath. Damian's face lit up with relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Alby. I love you " Damian said, wiping away his tears." I love you too habibi" Logan smiled softly, feeling a sense of peace. 

 he leaned in for a hug. Logan hugged him back, feeling a sense of comfort as they held each other. "Thank you, Logan. You don't know how much this means to me," Damian said, kissing Logan on the forehead then the tip of her nose then her jawline, he knew that always gave her butterflies and he was right  Logan felt a flutter in her heart "Let's sit down and start wedding planning again," Logan suggested, leading Damian to her desk. They sat down and started going through their wedding plans, discussing everything from the venue to the guest list. They laughed and joked, feeling like they were back to their old selves. As they wrapped up their planning session, Damian turned to Logan and said, "I love you, Habibti. I promise to respect your choices and support you no matter what." Logan smiled, feeling a sense of warmth and love. "I love you too, Damian. Let's make this wedding the best day of our lives," Logan said, leaning in for a kiss. As they pulled away, Logan felt a sense of happiness and contentment. She knew that forgiving Damian was the right thing to do and that their love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Together, they would make their wedding day the most special day of their lives.

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