First Training Session

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*Waking up is the worst, I had to wake up at 5:30 so I could get ready for Papyrus' training, I was not looking forward to it*

"Human! Wake up! It's time for your training" Papyrus yells as he barges into the shed

"But it's not 6 yet" I couldn't help but yawn

"You need to always be ready to get up and fight if you need to, you can never truly rest" Papyrus

"Okay, fine" I finally gets up and put my shoes on, I didn't have any other cloths so I just wore what I had

*Papyrus and I get outside the shed and Papyrus starts a battle*

Papyrus Starts the Battle

"It seems your clothes are back to normal human, and your eyes are a golden color now, but what does that mean?" Papyrus

*I look at my cloths, they're back to black and white, no sign of red or my collar, I also feel way more calm then I did yesterday*

"Strange" Y/N

"For this battle human we will try to find out your abilities and what your limits are, so come at me!" Papyrus

*I rush toward Papyrus and try to sweep his legs, he barely dodges*

"You're fast human, but not fast enough" Papyrus

*Papyrus kicks me with all his might like I'm a ball and I get launched into some trees, but I don't feel any pain, so I get back up ready to punch him in his jaw*

"Gotta try a little harder, I didn't even feel it!" Y/N

*Papyrus dodges my hit again, but i quickly dash behind him and kick his back with all my strength, my back feels tremendous pain*

*Papyrus quickly elbows me and I land on my ass*

"Did you feel my elbow human?" Papyrus

*My back is still in pain, my regeneration should be healing me, but it's not*

"No, but damn my back hurts!" Y/N

"Strange, I can't seem to hurt you and I put my full strength in the kick and elbow, but you can hurt me either, I didn't even feel you touch me when you hit me" Papyrus

"So what, I can't hurt you anymore?" Y/N

"No I don't think that's the case, you hurt me the other day, but your eyes were red then, maybe that has something to do with it. Let me check your stats" Papyrus

Y/N: hp 18/20
Attack: 0
Defense: Infinite
Is very confused on what's going on with himself

"It would seem that in this state you can't be damaged, but you can't damage others either, let's test it again" Papyrus

*Papyrus makes a sharpened bone and tries to stab me, but it shatters as soon as it hits my skin and does no damage*

"Now try stabbing me" Papyrus

*I give him a worried look*

"It's okay, You have my full permission" Papyrus

*With Papyrus's full permission I try shoving the bone into his shoulder, it doesn't pierce him at all, but my shoulder feels a sharp pain, I can't move it*

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