Propositions & Warnings

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*The front door unlocks and out comes Papyrus tired from the day*

"Hello Frisk and other human, I see you are awake now. What was your name again?" Papyrus

"My names Y/-" Y/N

*Papyrus summons a sharpened bone and quickly throws it toward Y/N, almost looking like a blur. Y/N catches it and he shatters it using his strength, his eyes glow a bright purple then change back to red showing his anger*

"Papyrus! What are you doing?!" Frisk

*Frisk gets up from the couch and stands in front of Y/N, he moves back in front of her*

"You want another beat down you damn skeleton?"Y/N

*Papyrus chuckles and shakes his head*

"If I took our last fight more seriously you would've lost, but I'm not here to fight again, I'm here to give you an offer" Papyrus

"What?" Y/N can't help but be confused

"What do you mean Papyrus?" Frisk

"I mean that I want to give the human a job to do and in turn he gets to live here and get some money out of it so he can sustain himself" Papyrus

*Y/N looks at Papyrus suspiciously unsure of what he's saying is true*

"And why would you do that?" Y/N

"Because human you have a lot of potential, I could tell you were inexperienced when we started fighting, but you started learning as we fought and started to get the upper hand, and that magic it's strange, but I must know more about it. Everything from how you changed your appearance, to your eyes, and your weaponry" Papyrus

"I see, so what's the job then?" Y/N

*Papyrus puts one foot on the table and poses*

"First human, you will be my training partner so I the Great Papyrus can teach you and hone your skills, I also want you to be Frisk's body guard, these monsters are still weary of her and may still attack her, so I want you to defend her with your life" Papyrus

*Y/N looks at Papyrus then Frisk, debating the offer*

"That's a big job, but I'll do it, Frisk has helped me so much and I want to repay her" Y/N

"Good, now for living arrangements you may use the shed as a place to live since we don't have another room, do with it as you please, training is tomorrow as 6 am sharp, don't be late" Papyrus

*Papyrus says his last sentence threateningly and goes to his room and closes the door, Frisk goes and hugs Y/N*

"Oh my god, that's great Y/N, he's starting to like you" Frisk

*Y/N is trying his best to not freak out, especially after what happened a few minutes prior*

"Yeah, it's great I guess? I'm gonna go see the shed" Y/N

"I'll come with, I'm sure you'll want some help with it, it's basically a torture chamber so we'll have to really redecorate it" Frisk tells him as she lets go of him

"Thanks Frisk" Y/N

*The duo go outside and see the small shed and they check inside to see chains and a numerous amount of torture devices, as well as some blankets and pillows with a note attached*

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