Chapter 9

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Hello beautiful people, as promised another short update on this week's double episode. Thank you for always showing support and loving this story.


"Hmm... Anna!"


I exclaimed excitedly, playfully pointing my finger at Madison, nearly grazing her nose.

Startled, she recoiled, and I couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected moment of levity amidst the tension.

"What was that?" Madison asked, her brows furrowing in confusion.

"You were trying to surprise me, right? But you failed miserably; I saw right through it!" I exclaimed with a hint of smugness.

She regarded me with a puzzled expression before shaking her head, attempting to clear her thoughts.

"Don't be silly; I was waiting for you," she stated, her tone firm yet slightly amused.

Defeat washed over me, and I couldn't help but pout in resignation.

"Why didn't you wear what I told you to? Is this your red floral dress? Seriously, look at you. What's up, girl?"

Madison's words hit me like a ton of bricks, and my heart sank.

Glancing down at my clothes, I suddenly felt like a worn-out cloth in an expensive wardrobe.

I was still clad in my floral tee shirt and khaki trousers, along with matching slip-ons from the afternoon.

I gulped, feeling incredibly small in comparison to Madison's immaculate appearance.

She stood before me in a stunning velvet plum-colored frock that grazed her knees, her high heels adding inches to her height. The shimmering jewelry adorning her ears and neck caught the light, accentuating her rosy cheeks and flawlessly applied makeup.

I inwardly gawked at her radiance.

"You... look absolutely stunning," I managed to comment honestly, though my tone betrayed a hint of envy.

"Yes, but that's not the answer to what I'm asking," she retorted, her tone expectant as she locked eyes with me, her eyebrow cocked in anticipation.

I sighed, feeling the weight of her unspoken question pressing down on me.

"There's a lot of explaining to do, you know. I..."

Before I could articulate my situation, she cut me off with a decisive gesture.

"Of course, I believe there is, but let's save that for later. Right now, I want you to go in there. He's been waiting for you for so long."

My mouth hung open in surprise as she propelled me forward, guiding me to the closed door of the art room. And then, without a word of explanation, she vanished, leaving me standing alone in the hallway.


I hesitated, my hand hovering over the doorknob, my heart pounding against my ribcage.

The knowledge that Adam awaited me behind that door sent a wave of nervousness crashing over me.

Glancing at my wristwatch, I noticed not only the dwindling time but also the goosebumps prickling my skin. With one minute left-a mere 60 seconds to explain my predicament to him-I steeled myself for what lay ahead.

Hoping against hope that he wouldn't perceive me as a liar or a flake, knowing that my decision not only meant skipping tonight's event but also jeopardizing my attendance at graduation and prom, I set the timer on my wristwatch.

The countdown began, each passing second marked by a barely audible beep that mirrored the rapid rhythm of my heart.

With a deep breath, I finally twisted the doorknob, steeling myself for whatever awaited me on the other side.

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