Chapter 5

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Dear Readers,

Thank you for your love and support. We hit 2k+ reads and 1k+ votes & comments on the opening chapters of the novel, this wasn't possible without you. As promised, Thursday episode is out. Enjoy!


"Boo!" Adam exclaimed, causing both Allen and me to jump

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Boo!" Adam exclaimed, causing both Allen and me to jump. Allen's iPod slipped from his grasp in his surprise, but thankfully it remained intact.

As Allen shot Adam a reproachful look, I couldn't help but feel irritated by Adam's antics.

"Seriously, Adam, stop messing around," I scolded him, my tone more assertive than usual.

Both of them turned to me, and Adam's playful expression turned into a mischievous smirk.

"Does that mean I can tease you?" he countered, closing the gap between us and wrapping his arm around my waist in one swift motion.

"Adam, come on, let her go," Allen interjected, his voice tinged with concern.

But Adam ignored his warning, leaning in closer to me. "I can't resist when I know you're mine," he declared boldly, causing my cheeks to flush with embarrassment as I lightly smacked his shoulder.

"Excuse me? I'm not anyone's possession," I retorted, trying to sound confident despite the fluttering of my heart.

Adam leaned in to place a kiss on my cheek, further unsettling my emotions.

As he pulled an inch away, I realized that something had shifted between us since this morning, but I wasn't ready to address it just yet. We needed to figure out our feelings before declaring anything to the world.

With a shake of his head, Allen excused himself, leaving us alone in the corridor.

I shifted uncomfortably as Adam continued to hold me close, ignoring the passing students.

"Adam, let me go. People are staring," I insisted, gesturing to the approaching students.

"Let them stare. I don't care," he replied with a smirk, his grip tightening around me.

I frowned at his stubbornness and lightly kicked his legs in protest.

"Ouch! Okay, okay, I'll let you go," he relented, releasing me with a scowl.

As we descended the stairs together, Adam made a cryptic remark about making my legs immovable, leaving me puzzled. "And how do you plan to do that?" I teased, earning a nonchalant shrug in response.

Our banter continued as we reached the ground floor, but my amusement turned to shock when Adam suddenly pinned me against the wall.

"Damn it, Anna," he muttered, his breath hot against my ear as he restrained my hands above my head.

The CapturedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ