Chapter 8

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Hello beautiful readers,

*Surprise* I decided to treat y'all with double episode this week as a gratitude for your support and love towards the story, this is the least I could do. We have hit a 4k+ reads and 3k+ comments past week, yay! <3

P.S. short chapters this week. <3

"What's the rush, Anns?" Andrew's voice startled me as he swung open the door, a quizzical expression on his face

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"What's the rush, Anns?" Andrew's voice startled me as he swung open the door, a quizzical expression on his face.

I tried to muster a sheepish smile, but his laughter was infectious. He bowed theatrically, gesturing for me to enter. Rolling my eyes internally, I thanked him politely and stepped inside, heart pounding with anticipation.

Dozens of purple balloons adorned my right, while white ones floated gracefully on the left as I reached the entrance.

Before me stood a meticulously decorated tag board, its thick red glitter spelling out 'THIS WAY', pointing to the left toward the staircase.

I furrowed my brow at the sight, then realized that whatever awaited me-a party, perhaps-was upstairs. With a shrug, I made my way upstairs, only to find Andrew had disappeared. Odd.

The silence enveloped me as I ascended, the anticipation mounting with each step. The corridors, adorned with photos capturing cherished moments with friends blurred past as I ran, unwilling to linger despite the temptation.

My watch revealed that two minutes had already slipped away-a sense of urgency seizing me. Determined to reach Adam before the clock ran out, I prepared to double my pace.

Just as I was about to sprint, Lisa materialized from seemingly nowhere, startling me to the core.

"Damn it, Lisa!" I exclaimed, my heart still racing.

She laughed heartily at my reaction, her infectious giggles echoing through the corridor. Irritated, I turned away, feeling a mixture of annoyance and relief.

"Sorry, Anns, but you look absolutely priceless when you're scared. I couldn't resist," she explained, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

Surprised by her sudden appearance and her dolled-up appearance, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Wasn't this supposed to be a party, not a fashion show?

"What's with the envelope?" I inquired, refocusing on the task at hand.

"Open it and find out," she urged, handing me a red envelope identical to the one Adam had given me before.

Before I could press further, she excused herself with a wink, disappearing into the hallway.

Confused by the sudden flurry of activity around me, I obediently opened the envelope, revealing a note that read, 'I can't believe you actually showed up.' A kiss emoji adorned the bottom. I recognized the handwriting instantly and tucked the note into my pocket alongside the previous one that I managed to carry along.

'He really went all out for you, didn't he?' Miss Devil interjected with a smirk.

I shook my head in disbelief, the gesture both endearing and perplexing.

'Why would Adam go to such lengths for me?'

'Why wouldn't he?' Miss Devil countered, her tone teasing.

Chuckling at my own confusion, I resumed my ascent, this time fully alert and prepared for any surprises that awaited me.

As I climbed, my gaze darted around, anticipation coursing through me.

In case you wanted a sneak peak into Adam's look from tonight, I have attached a picture for you ;)



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