Chapter 7

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Hello Readers,

I hope y'all are doing good? The story has just begun and we are already crossing 3k+ reads, 2k+ votes & comments. Thank you for your support. It wasn't possible without you. ❤ Another thank you for the birthday and GWS wishes. To help you visualize Anna's mom I'm including her visual from today's episode. Note: the first choice was Annie Wersching for this character but due to her passing away, Courteney Cox has replaced her now. *Its just fanfic cast not originally signed cast*

As I stepped out of the comforting embrace of my home, the frigid air embraced me, sending shivers down my spine

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As I stepped out of the comforting embrace of my home, the frigid air embraced me, sending shivers down my spine. Despite the chill, a bittersweet smile crept across my lips. It was a peculiar sensation-a smile on my face, yet an ache in my heart. Who could have foreseen this departure?

I turned to find Mom standing beside our neatly packed travel bags, adorned with a striking leather cross-shoulder handbag that matched her shoes perfectly, a testament to her meticulous attention to detail. Everything was in order. With a silent nod, I approached, my steps echoing through the silent corridor. Her manager, a stalwart figure, stepped forward to relieve her of the burdensome bags, while Mom secured the door behind us with a decisive click.

"Come on, get in quickly," she urged, gesturing toward a waiting taxi. Confusion clouded my features as I questioned from behind, "Aren't we taking your car?"

"No, not this time. We're dodging the paparazzi," she replied cryptically.

Though her explanation left me puzzled, I complied, sliding into the taxi's worn seats beside her.

With a dismissive wave, Mom sent her manager on his way, promising to connect with him over the phone once we reached the airport.

Peering out of the window, I cast a lingering gaze upon the facade of my childhood home. The darkness that enveloped it was disconcerting, a stark contrast to the warmth and life that once radiated from within.

My eyes drifted to the window of my room, a floodgate of memories bursting open-a kaleidoscope of joy and sorrow, laughter and tears that had painted the walls of my sanctuary. In the glass, I caught a glimpse of my younger self, nestled between Mom and Dad. They were beaming, the picture of familial bliss. Dad lifted me high, pointing to the heavens, while Mom's laughter danced in the air. Yet, amidst their jubilation, my gaze was drawn downward, meeting the somber stare of my older self-a silent acknowledgment of the journey that lay ahead.

As the car accelerated, my childhood home faded from view. I sighed deeply, sinking back into the plush car seat, and closed my eyes.

It was the first time in four years that we were venturing away from home for an extended period, and the unfamiliarity of it all weighed heavily on me. Rather than excitement, there was a gnawing emptiness in my chest, a sensation I couldn't quite grasp.

Tears threatened to choke me, but I swallowed them down forcefully. What was happening to me?

"Don't take longer than five, okay?"

Mom's voice jolted me back to reality as the taxi came to a stop outside my school. The sound of my own heartbeat thundered in my ears.

"Okay, thank you," I muttered hurriedly, jumping out of the taxi, afraid that Mom might change her mind and call me back.

As I rushed toward the school gates, I noticed it was my first time arriving at the school at night. Pushing the gate, I hoped it would yield, and it did.

Stepping inside, I felt something soft underfoot and glanced down in surprise.

My eyes widened as I beheld a breathtaking passage adorned with rose petals and candles stretching toward the building's entrance.

Holy cow!

Blinking in disbelief, I carefully tiptoed along the sides, making sure not to disturb the pristine petals. The gate closed behind me, and I turned, startled, to find it shut on its own.

"Hi, Anns."

I jumped at the unexpected voice, hand flying to my chest in terror as I spun to face Andrew.

"Jesus! You scared me, Andrew!" I exclaimed, breathless.

A small giggle followed, and I turned to see Adam's little sister, Mandy, standing beside him.

What is she doing here?

Confusion clouded my thoughts as I took in their attire-Andrew in a sleek black suit with a white shirt and black bow tie, his hair tousled as usual, and Mandy in a pristine white frock, looking every bit the princess with lilies in her hands.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," Andrew apologized, and I nodded nervously, stepping toward Mandy.

"Hello, little princess. You look so pretty," I said, gently squeezing her cheek as she beamed at me.

"Anny, look what I have for yew. Addy said to give these to yew!" Mandy exclaimed, offering me the lilies.

Surprised, I accepted them with raised eyebrows. "This is for me? Aww, thank you, beautiful," I said, pulling her into a hug before realizing Mom was still waiting outside.

I turned to Andrew, confusion evident in my voice. "What's going on here?"

"You're about to find out, but excuse me for a minute. I have to go inside and let everyone know you're here," Andrew replied, disappearing into the building.

"Wait... wait for me! I'm coming," I called after him, but he was already gone.

"I have to go tell them before you come in. Also, walk on those petals. Josh prepared these for you," he shouted back.

Stunned, I halted in my tracks.

For me?

My heart raced as I covered my mouth in surprise, and Mandy urged me forward with a gentle push. This was so unexpected, so awkward.

Gulping hard, I began to walk, each step feeling surreal as I approached the building entrance. But the distance seemed too vast, and I abandoned tiptoeing, breaking into a jog to save time.

May I have your feedback on the episode especially considering the sudden change of circumstances that unfolded in Anna's life? P

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May I have your feedback on the episode especially considering the sudden change of circumstances that unfolded in Anna's life? P.S. you can now enjoy visuals from the story on tiktok @ sincerely1598

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