16. Confessions

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TW: mentions of death, suicide, SH

Colby's POV

The rest of group was very awkward not just for me but for everyone there. Talk was pretty minimum, and the leader even let us go early because of the lack of motivation. We left the group room and Zach immediately went to his room. Jake and I found ourselves in the common room sitting on the couch for a while until Jake finally spoke up.

"Dude what the fuck? That's fucked up. So, like did you see him when he died or did you just like not? How does one fake their own death."

"I really don't know Jake. I mean his funeral was closed casket, so I just figured he was dead. I never got to see him after he died, or never saw him when I thought he died. He was in an accident, and they said he died on scene, and I saw the car. He was supposed to be dead." I run my fingers through my hair and give a loud groan.

My mind is racing. The man I loved with my whole life is here and in the same hospital as me. He isn't dead when he should be. However, I have Sam back at school waiting for me. What is he going to think? I don't know if I still love Zach. I know I do love Sam. He is the best thing to happen to me since forever. What is one to do in the situation? I need to talk with Zach and see what is going on here.

"Hey Jake, I'm gonna go talk to Zach. I need to know what is going on. This is eating me alive."

Jake just nods and stays where he is. I decide to make my way to Zach's room. I have no idea what room he is in but I heard his voice multiple times near my room so I will start there. All the doors are open during the day so it shouldn't be that hard. I walk up the hall looking in each room, but I stop at a door about 6 doors down from my room. There he is sitting on his bed reading a book. He looks up at me and looks back down at his book.

"Start talking. Now." I say anger spewing out of me.

"About what? You wanna know why I did it? What happened?"

"Zach stop playing fucking games. Talk."

"Okay okay. Calm your tits Colby. You seem a little uptight. I guess I'll start to about a month before the accident. I was ready to get out of the relationship, but I knew how much I meant to you. I didn't know what to do so I started drinking. Heavily. Every night I would get blackout drunk and you never knew. On the night of the accident, I was actually on the way to break it off. I was drunk and I crashed. I was alive but the couple in the other car didn't make it. As they were taking me to the hospital, I knew I needed to change my life, so I asked my mom to plan my funeral and pretend like I died. So instead of just breaking it off I ran. I came to LA to start over and go to rehab. That didn't work. I ended up getting in a fight at a bar and I beat a guy to death. Now I'm facing prison time for 3 counts of manslaughter. So here I am as I wait for my trial. So yeah, that's me. What about you? Why are you here in LA and in a treatment facility?"

"First off you are a fucking monster. You really couldn't face me like a fucking man. You really had to fake your own fucking death just to leave me. What did I ever do to you to deserve that? And if you really want to know why I'm here, well I moved here for school. I'm here because I tried to kill myself. I was so depressed you were gone and then I was raped at a party. Luckily, I found a guy who loves me and won't treat me like a dick. I've never in my life met a worse person in my life."

"So what you were so sad I was dead that your pussy ass tried to kill yourself. That's why I wanted to leave you were always so fucking selfish and self conceded. You are nothing but a fucking coward Colby. Maybe next time try killing yourself correctly. The world would be better without you."

I was at a lose for words. A murder really just told me I was selfish and a coward. He was the one who was too scared to end things with me and faked his own death. I let out a scream and turned to leave but not before punching the wall. I was going to regret that tomorrow.

"A pussy and an idiot I see. Nothing changed about you. By the way, nice scars they suite the depressed side of you."

I left in a hurry and ran to the therapist's office. The door was open, and I rushed in slamming the door behind me. Tears streamed down my face. I was so angry. I took a deep breathe as Dr. Greene closed the door.

"What's happened Colby?" He says while sitting down.

"Did you know? Please tell me you didn't know."

"Know what Colby. Talk to me. What's going on?"

"Zachary. He is my ex. The one I thought died in the crash. One of the reasons I am even here. I am so angry."

"I didn't know that, Colby. He hasn't said much to anyone since arriving. If it makes you feel better I will try to keep him away from you as much as I can. I'm sorry that this is how you found out. How does this situation make you feel?"

"I'm angry. I have no words. He said some horrible things about me. He told me I don't deserve to live. Who says that? I never want to see him again."

"Colby you have every right to live. You deserve to be alive and to love. Don't listen to what he says. You are worthy and you deserve to have a good life."

I start crying because no one has ever said such kind words to me. I thank him and give him a hug. Before I leave I turn back to him and say "also I think I need to see the nurse. I may or may not have punched a wall and my hand may or may not be broken."

All he says is "Colby why?"

All I have to say to him is "I am in a treatment facility for a reason doc." He laughs before walking me down to the nurse.

A/N: short but crazy chapter. Did you all see this crazy shit happening? I did but of course I'm writing it. Anyway make guesses of what's gonna happen next cause I doubt you will guess correctly.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 23 ⏰

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