8. Chemistry Class Mishaps

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TW: SH, lots of blood

A/N: This chapter is a little dark I will say so be warned before you start reading. The next chapter will be nice and fluffy and smutty, but for now onto the sadness. 

Sam's POV

The rest of our Sunday was spent napping, cuddling, and fucking until I eventually fell asleep in Colby's bed that night. I woke up before Colby on Monday and lazily tried to shake him awake. "Come on Colbs wake up. We have to go to Chemistry class," I say still trying to wake him up. He groans before grabbing onto me and squeezing me into a big hug. I giggle before he finally decides to open his eyes.

"Good morning cutie," he says to me planting a lazy kiss on my cheek. "Good morning to you too sleepy head," I reply. He rubs his eyes before finally sitting up in bed. I planted a quick kiss on his lips before getting up and making my way to my room to get dressed. I was almost ready when I walked into Colby's room. "Hey Colbs," I say in a hushed voice "Do you think I could wear one of your hoodies today?"

He chuckles at me before tossing me one and saying "Trust me when I say this, you don't need to ask to wear any of my clothes, you already know how I feel about you wearing my clothes." He wiggles his eyebrows and he starts to advance before I stick out my arm and say "No lovey dovey shit until you are ready to go. I am not trying to be late on Lab Day." He chuckles before throwing his hands up in defeat. I go back to my room to grab my bag and put on my shoes, seeing Colby waiting at the door for me. He looked extra fine today. He was wearing a black T-shirt with a flannel and black jeans, his usual rings littered his hands, and he wore his hair in his natural waves. He sees me in his hoodie and gives me a short but passionate kiss on the lips before we make our way out the door. We don't hold hands or talk much as we walk but just knowing he is there is nice. We make our way into Chemistry class, and we take our normal seats near the back. The class quickly begins when our professor walks in.

"Okay as you know today is a lab day so with that being said I need all hats off, long sleeves either off or rolled up, and if you are wearing open-toed shoes," our professor pauses "just go ahead and leave now." I look over to Colby as worry rushes to his face. I think I know why he is worried, but I still want to try to calm him down before he has a meltdown. "Hey Colby, buddy, look at me," I say lightly touching his hand. "It will be okay Colbs, no one is going to notice or care. Okay. I am here." He just nods his head before taking off his flannel. As I suspected, no one seemed to notice or care what we were doing in the back row but something on Colby's face had me thinking that he thought something completely different.

As we did the lab he continued to glance up and see if there were any wandering eyes on him, which there weren't, and continued to look down almost out of shame. I would occasionally give his thigh a squeeze to reassure him I was right there, but I would be lying if I said it helped. We finally finished our lab, turned in our papers, and made our way out of class. I hated that we didn't have any more classes together today because Colby seemed off after Chemistry class ended. We walked out of the building, and we stopped out front where we would eventually part ways.

"Hey Colbs, you did great back there. I promise you no one looked or cared about us in the back. I swear," I say trying to reassure him. He just nods before lightly giving me a kiss on the cheek before he heads off to his next classes. I was worried about him until I could finally leave my final class of the day.


Colby's POV

I finish with my last class and walk as fast as I can back to the dorm. I know I will beat Sam back and that is what I need. Chemistry class was horrible, and I know everyone was looking at me and probably calling me a freak. Sam tried to help but I could tell that they were all staring at me. I open the door as quickly as I can and throw my bag on the ground. I quickly make my way to the bathroom and shut the door. I grab my bag from under the sink and look for my blade. I found it and made quick work of my flannel and shirt. I was running out of room on my arms, so I needed more space. I cut as many times as I could on my arms before moving on to my stomach. I am about to make another cut when the bathroom door bursts open. Shit, I think to myself, I forgot to lock it, how stupid. Sam is standing there looking like he was crying before he even opened the door. He runs over to me and grabs the blade from my hand before wrapping his arms around me. He is sobbing which makes me cry, he is probably pissed at me, and rightfully so. I told him I would stop and just two days later here I am doing the same shit. But then he does something completely unexpected. He puts the blade back in my hand. I just look at him confused until he takes off my hoodie he was still wearing followed by his t-shirt. I sit there in wonder before he grabs the blade from my hand. He presses it to his arm and makes a cut. I grab the blade from his hand before screaming at him "What the actual fuck are you doing?"

He looks up at me with tears in his eyes "Do it, Colby." I just look at him confused waiting for clarification. "If you want to hurt yourself fine," he says through tears "but every time you cut yourself, I want you to do it to me as well. However, many you do to yourself, do it to me."

I blink at him thinking that he has surely lost his mind. Maybe he inhaled too many gases in Chemistry class today, but he had definitely taken a ride on the crazy train. "Are you fucking crazy?" I asked him.

He just shakes his head and takes a breath before sticking out his arm. "I am serious Colby. If you want to hurt yourself that's fine, but I want you to do it to me as well, because hurting yourself hurts me more than any cut you will make on my skin. So do it please."

"I can't hurt you, Sam. I could never do that to you," I said wiping a tear from his eye. As I said the words out loud, I understood why he said what he said to me. I was hurting him just from doing this to myself. He wanted me to see how he felt. I understood and quickly wrapped my arms around him as he sobbed. "I understand, Sammy."

"Please Colby, please just do it to me. I know you don't understand but I need you to do it for me, please." I shake my head no as tears escape my eyes rolling down my cheeks. "Okay," he says before he grabs the blade from my hand. I think he going to leave but he once again makes another cut on his arm. He winces but does it a third, fourth, and fifth time before I grab the blade having a complete and utter breakdown. I am sobbing and with what little voice I have I say "Please baby, stop it, please. I understand I do. Please just stop hurting yourself."

"Okay," he says through tears. Blood, it spilling down his arm and he looked at it, He then looked back up at me. "Do you feel my pain now?" he asks me. I nod and wrap my arms around him. "I do baby, and I am so sorry that this is the pain I have made you feel. Can we please get off the floor and clean ourselves up?" He nods before he starts the shower and warms it up. He doesn't touch the blade at first but then he picks it up and puts it in the back of his phone case. I give him a glare questioning what he is doing before he says, "I told you if you want to hurt yourself fine, but you better be willing to hurt me in the process. So, if you ever need it I have it but think about what you will have to do." I just look at him before he tells me to get in the shower. I don't even have the energy to stand so I sit, and I guess Sam doesn't mind. He stands behind me and shampoos my hair, helps me wash my body, and bathes himself in the process. I honestly do not deserve Sam. What did I do to get so lucky? 

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