2. What's up with the emo?

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Sam's POV

I am awakened at 8 in the morning to my roommate showering. I don't know why he needed to get up so early on a Sunday to shower. I try falling back asleep, but it is no use. I get up, get dressed, and make my way to the living room. Colby is already in the living room sitting on his phone scrolling through Instagram. I don't know much about this kid but looking at all the topless men on his Instagram makes me wonder if he is gay. What I do know is that he is tall, black-haired, heavily tattooed, and a psycho who wakes up early to shower on a Sunday. I may be going crazy, but this man is also wearing jeans and a hoodie in August in LA.

"Hey Sam," he says to me not even looking up from his phone.

"Hey Colby," I say in return making my way to the other end of the couch.

"What's your plan for today?" he says still not looking up from his phone.

"I am not sure. I was thinking of going around campus and figuring out where all my classes are and maybe going to the dining hall for lunch if you are down."

He finally looks up from his phone and says "Yeah, I'm down. Let me grab my shoes and then we can leave."

He goes to his room and grabs his shoes and then we head out to explore campus.


"So, what are your classes like for this year?" I say to Colby as we make our way towards the main part of campus.

"Oh, nothing special," he says looking around at the buildings as he talks. "I have a history class, a communications class, psychology, English, and chemistry. What about you?"

"I also have a chemistry class, English class, and communications class, but my other two classes are math and sociology. Wait what are your professors for chemistry, English, and communications?" I ask wondering if we possibly have the same class.

"Oh, uh I think I have Burke for Chemistry, Lynch for English, and Drew for Communications. What about you?" he says with wonder in his eyes.

"OMG, same for all three. I guess we will at least know someone in class then."

"I guess so."

"What's your major Colby?" I ask wondering what he wants to do with his degree.

"It's filmmaking with a minor in photography. I want to make YouTube videos or make movies when I get done with school."

"That's so cool, that's my major as well, but I have a minor in business. I also want to do something with movies when I am done. I guess we have a lot in common."

"I guess we do. Tell me a bit about yourself, Sam. We are roommates now and we have three classes together, so I guess we better start getting to know each other." he says, looking at me.

"Um well I am from Kansas," I start to say before he breaks in. "No fucking way dude I am from Kansas as well. That is so weird that we got roomed together and are from the same state. Sorry continue" he says chuckling.

"That is weird but also cool. I just got out of a long relationship, so that has been fun to process. I really like taking walks and I enjoy going to parties. I like playing video games and watching YouTube videos. I also really like paranormal things. What about you?"

"Well, I am gay for starters. I also enjoy parties and playing video games. I like watching paranormal things and I enjoy exploring. My favorite color is black, and I love Halloween, a lot."

So, he is gay like I thought. I am not sure what I am right now. I always thought I was straight, but something didn't feel right with my last girlfriend. I never thought that I might be gay, but I don't know right now. I guess I don't have to know; it will just come to me. I am snapped out of my thoughts when I hear my name. "Oh, um sorry did you say something?"

"Yeah, I just asked if you were hungry because the dining hall is right ahead of us."

"Yeah," I say still lost in my head about my sexuality.

We headed to the dining hall and made our way to the buffet of food. Colby grabs some fries and chicken tenders and I grab, well everything. We continue to eat and make small talk until some big dude comes up to us and introduces himself as Greg. "Hey guys, I was just walking through the dining hall asking people if they wanted to come to my party on Friday night. Me and some buddies have a place right off campus, and we are having a welcome-back party. You guys in?" He asks us. Colby and I look at each other for a minute before Colby says "Of course. What's the address?" Greg gives him the address and gives us fist bumps before walking away.

"I guess we are going to our first college party," Colby says to me.

"I guess we are," I say to him before we get up and take our trays to the dishwasher.


The walk back to the dorms is uneventful and when we get back Colby decides to take a nap. I use this time to look over everything for class and prepare for the week ahead of me. Colby seems cool but he still gives me a strange vibe. Maybe as we get to know each other better that will wear off. I was in the middle of watching a YouTube video when I was startled by someone screaming. I go to Colby's room and open the door. He is sitting on the bed panting and sobbing. I go over to him slowly.

"Are you okay?" I say with worry on my face.

"Um yeah, sorry I must have had a bad dream. I am good," he says not looking up at me.

"Okay well if you need anything I am here."

I leave the room and close the door. I wonder what had him worked up like that. There are so many things I don't know about this man yet, this being one of them. Maybe eventually he will open up to me. After all, I have to live with him, and I barely know anything about the strange emo boy who lives in the room next door.  

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