11. Holidaze

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A/N: I guys it has been a while since I have updated. Life is crazy. I got a new job, moved, got married, and so much else but I am back with another update. I had this chapter half written for a while but I finally finished this chapter. Quick like FYI for you all. In this story, because of the fact that the main story takes place at UCLA we are just going to pretend like Sam and Colby's siblings do not exist and that they are only children, because I really don't wanna write in more characters than needed. Okay well enjoy.

Two Months Later

Colby's POV

It has been two months since Sam, and I got together officially. It has been a great two months. We spend almost every hour together. We decided that we wanted to introduce each other to our families during Thanksgiving break, so here we are on a plane back to Kansas. Sam is asleep on my shoulder right now, and I am scrolling through pictures that me and Sam took over the past two months. Our plan is to go to my parent's house first and then go to Sam's house before going back to the airport.

The pilot comes across the intercom saying we are about to land so I gently shake Sam awake to let him know that we are about to land. He sleepily smiles at me, before rubbing his eyes to wake himself up. He groans a little and I chuckle at him as he stretches and prepares to land. The descent is smooth and before we know it, we are walking through the terminal looking for the exit my mom says she is at. I spot her up ahead and she sees me. I run up to her and give her a big hug as a tear escapes my eye.

"Hi, Mom. I missed you so much," I say behind tears. She releases me from the hug before she says, "I missed you too Colbear." She then immediately turns to Sam with a big smile on her face and says," You must be Sam. I have heard so many good things about you." She embraces him in a hug as I chuckle at him looking at me and mouthing help.

My mother lets go of my boyfriend finally and I take hold of his hand. My mom rambles about everything I have missed since going to college as me and Sam just listen to all she has to say. We finally make it to the car just in time for her to not talk about how I was as a child. We get out bags in the car and make our way to the backseat. My turns on her favorite songs and sings along as me and Sam talk.

"So Colbear huh? I might have to start calling you that one" Sam says with a smirk on his face.

"Absolutely not. I don't even like her calling me that." Sam laughs at me as my face turns a bright red from conversation. We don't talk for most of the ride, but we do sing softly with the music and listen to my mom talk about everything and nothing all at once.


Sam's POV

We finally make it to Colby's house after about 30 minutes of driving. I never realized how close to me he actually used to live. It is crazy to think that it took us going to college in California to meet each other. We grab our bags and head inside. We are greeted by Colby's dad sitting on the couch.

"He son," he says standing up and embracing Colby. He turns to me and extends a hand "You must me Sam. Colby's boyfriend. It is nice to meet you. I have heard nothing but good things."

"It is nice to meet you too. Thank you both for letting me come and meet you all and have Thanksgiving at your house."

Colby's mom speaks first and says "It is no problem. You are our son's boyfriend, and we haven't seen him this happy in a while. We are grateful for you, and you are always welcome over here."

I smile and tell her thank you before she tells us we can head up to Colby's room since it is getting late. Colby grabs my bag, and we head to his room. I walk in and it is exactly like I thought it would be. He has band posters everywhere, film posters everywhere, it is dark with not much color, and surprisingly it smells really goof, like sandalwood and musk mixed with vanilla. "Your room is exactly like I pictured," I say walking around and looking at all the knickknacks and different items in his room.

"And that is" he says taking a seat on the bed.

"Dark and sad" I say with a laugh, and he joins me in a chuckle.

"You hit that one right on the nose Sam" he chuckles before I make my way over to the bed to lay down with him. I lay down on top of him as he rubs small circles on my back. I look up at him and he looks at me.

"What?" He asks with a little smile.

"Nothing. I am just admiring me super hot boyfriend." He laughs and places a kiss on my forehead. "No but actually I just wanted to say thank you for inviting me to meet your family first. This has made the whole process so much easier to deal with. I am just so nervous about what my family will think when I tell them that I am gay."

"It will all be okay Sam. We will deal with it whether they agree with us or not." I nod to this and give him a kiss on the lips before I slowly drift off to sleep, but not before saying "I love you Colby's, don't forget that."

I think he might have said I love you too and don't you forget that but I was asleep before I could make out what he said.

2 Days Later

Sam's POV

Thanksgiving at Colby's house was good and now we are making the short 10 minute drive to my house. Colby's mom is driving us to my parent's house, and I am a nervous wreck. Colby and his parents both reassured me that they will love and accept me no matter who I love but that still doesn't make me any less nervous.

"Were you this nervous before you told your parent's Colby?" I say looking at him. He just smirks and his mom starts to laugh. "What is so funny?" I ask not getting why they are both laughing.

"Colby, should I tell the story, or do you want to?" His mom asks him from the front.

"You can" Colby says blushing all over.

"You see Sam, Colby never got the chance to tell us he was gay. It was a holiday weekend and me and my husband had gone on a small vacation a state over, but our car started having issues before we got there so we turned around and came back home. I fully excepted Colby to be having a party but none of that happened. We got inside and we immediately heard extremely loud music coming from Colby's room. I guess he didn't here us come back due to this. We walked upstairs and heard some load moans fully expecting him to have a girl over. So we waited for them to finish before knocking on the door and walking in. What would you know but there is Colby in bed with another guy. He was so scared and started crying until I simply just looked at him and said I love you no matter who you love. And next time you may wanna keep the music down so you know when we get home."

"Wait that is really how they found out?" I say looking at Colby. He nods and his mom just giggles in the front.

"Sam if that is how my mom found out then I think you will be fine" he says to me taking my hand as we pull into my driveway.

My mom is waiting for me on the porch. Colby and I grab our bags as Colby mom and my mom talk a little bit. Apparently, they both go to the same hairdresser. Colby's mom gets back in her car and back out of the driveway as she waves to everyone. I give my mom a big hug before he hugs Colby. I kept telling her the weeks leading up that Colby is just my roommate and friend but I know I need to tell her we are actually dating.

We all walk inside and sit down in the living room. My dad joins us and sits next to my mom. We are all making small talk about school and life until I finally can't take it anymore.

"Mom, Dad, I have something I need to tell you." They look at each other before looking back at me. "I am gay. Well actually I am bisexual, but I am currently dating a guy. Um, me and Colby have been dating for a couple of months now actually." I look at him and he grabs my hand and gives it a good squeeze.

My parents are just looking at me for a minute before my mom stands up and walks over to me. She kneels down in front of my and grabs both hands. "Sam dear, I don't care who you love or who you date as long as if they love you and care for you and show you respect. I haven't known Colby long but from everything you have told me about him I know that he does all those things and more. All I want in life is to watch you be happy no matter who that is with." She finishes wiping a tear from her eye and planting a kiss on my cheek.

My dad comes over to me and says "love is love and I can't tell you who to love. I don't care who you fall in love with as long as you are happy son."

A/N Really shitty short chapter to fill the time gap. Next chapter gets back into the excitement of the story. 

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