4. The Party

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TW: SH, Alcohol, and Drugs

Colby's POV

The week flew by, and it was finally Friday. My classes are done for the week, and I am currently showering to get ready for the party tonight. This week has been rough on me mentally and it shows on my arms. I hurt myself some more before getting in the shower. I finished my shower, and I am currently sitting in my room waiting for Sam to finish up. He walks into my room, and he looks breathtaking. He is wearing a black and white geometric print short sleeve button down which he left a little open at the top, and a pair of pink pants with black vans. His hair was all tousled and his eyes were somehow even more blue than normal.

"You look, um, great" I stutter trying to catch my breath.

"You look good too," he says. I was just wearing a black and white long sleeve flannel with a white tank underneath, and black jeans.

"Thanks. You ready to go?" I asked him grabbing my key to the room and slipping on my shoes. He nods and blushes at me. That was so hot, but I won't say anything to him right now. I still don't even know if he likes boys, let alone if he likes me.

We leave the dorm and make our way to the house that Greg told us to go to. Before we even get there, we hear the music from a couple blocks away. I know we are at the correct house when I smell weed and see kids mingling on the lawn. We don't make it too far up the lawn before Greg comes over to us both. "What's up, dudes? Thanks for coming. Alcohol is in the kitchen, just make a left when you get inside. Have a good time and I'll be seeing you inside!" He says before strolling off to talk with another friend. Sam and I look at each other before shrugging and heading off inside to find the booze. The house is nice for a college house, and it is packed with people. I don't recognize most of them. We make a left and head into the kitchen. I see tons of types of booze, everything from beer, to jungle juice, to straight vodka, and there is even a bottle of wine. Sam grabs us both a cup of jungle juice and I pour us both a shot. I hand one to him and say "Here's to our first college party together. Hopefully the first of many, and here is to us." We both dink our shots and down them in one sip. Sam makes a face, and I don't really flinch.

"How did you not flinch?" Sam asks before saying "That shit was gross."

"Alcohol doesn't taste that bad to me" I chuckle as he shakes his head at me. I pour us both one more shot, and we take that one just like the first.

We wandered off to the living room since that seemed to be the place to go. The music was loud, and they were playing some trap music. Kids were grinding, making out, and even dancing on tables. This was my kind of party. I decide to gage the scene before going in, but Sam immediately jumps in and starts dancing. I laugh at his offbeat dancing and just watch him as I drink my drink. I am done with my first drink before the song is done and I go back for two more. It isn't a party if you aren't double-fisting a drink in my opinion. I head back to the living room and Sam is still dancing around having the time of his life. I watch him, but not in a creepy way. I watch him with awe and admiration. How can a guy who just got broken up with be so happy and outgoing? I guess I will never understand. I am still watching Sam dance and just finishing my second drink when a short girl with blonde hair comes over to me.

"Hi," she says to me. "I saw you from the other side of the room and just wanted to say you are really hot. Did you want to dance with me?"

"Oh, um thanks. I would love to dance but I just wanted to let you know that I am gay. I just wanted to get that out there before I ruined your dreams of getting me in your bed," I chuckled after saying this.

She looks a little hurt at first but still offers to dance with me. We head to the dance floor, and we start dancing and singing along to the music. It isn't long before I am guessing her friend comes over and points at some boy and she excuses herself to go talk with him. Girls are strange, I think to myself before I head back to the kitchen to get drinks 3 and 4. On my way back to the living room I am stopped by Greg.

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