"Then it's settled, you can stay here, next week you could enrol at the school if you want." 

She looked thoughtful."That's probably a good idea, it will make us look more normal, in London I didn't bother, and actually I haven't been for quite a while now, is it still the same?"

"It's very similar, yes, but I think it's friendlier than it used to be. The teachers don't look down on you as much." I considered "Chris you could come as well." 

His forehead creased, "I haven't been to school since I left the first time, why should I bother now? I am not a teenager any more, even if I look like one." 

I kept my tone calm and reasonable. "Yes, but then would all be together so it would be safer, plus it would make us seem more normal, so the neighbours can't say anything if they are asked." I paused "It might do you good, they teach you so many different things now, rather than just English and maths." 

He considered for a moment. "It... may be a good idea; I could go for a little while, until the situation is better. But how are we going to explain us both turning up at the same time, when it is rare to get new people?" I thought for a second.

"You could both be my cousins... we could say your parents split up, so you came to stay with me. It would explain why we are living together, if anyone asks." 

Julia was convinced. "Ok then, it's settled, we are going to school!"

That week I went to the school office and told them my cousins were coming to stay, I stared into the woman's eyes, and she wrote out all the paperwork for me, signing to say their parents had called, and arranged everything, I also arranged it so they were in all the same classes as me. So as far as anyone knew, on Monday morning, Julia and Chris Maison where joining the school, after a nasty breakup with their parents. They were both 16, as they were adopted as infants. When I was done with the receptionist, I also went to see Mrs. Sutton; I implanted the same information in her mind, so nobody could question it.

         I warned David, so that he wouldn't be too shocked when three vampires turned up on Monday instead of one, although I didn't fill him in on the details of why they were coming. I laughed at his incredulous face.

"You didn't warn me you were going to attract more, you're like wasps!" 

I frowned; I didn't like his comparisons. making my voice more reassuring I said "Don't worry they are both... like me, they wont hurt anybody."

          On Tuesday I purchased uniforms from the school store in the correct sizes. Chris was disgusted: "you honestly expect me to where that?" 

I tossed it at him."Yep."

Julia's reaction was slightly better, she sighed and said "Well I've worn worse in the past." I shot her a grateful look, before heading to my room.


           Monday rolled around quickly; Anna froze in the act of turning her page when I sat next to her, Julia and Chris taking places behind us. I grinned, "Hi, Anna, these are my cousins, this is Chris, and Julia" I gestured to each one in turn. She took a second to recover. I knew her instincts were screaming for her to run, even if she didn't understand why, over the past days, she had gradually gotten used to me, but now there were two more vampires, right behind her.

            She blinked at them, I knew what she was seeing; two beautiful, tall pale strangers, with flawless features, and the same type of striking eyes as me, even though one set were green and one a deep brown. I watched her reasoning with herself, she quickly recovered, her natural kind and trusting nature winning out, and planted a smile on her face "Hi" she shyly lowered her eyes, Chris smiled in his easy manner,

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