chapter 54

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Izuku and the 332nd company open fire again, trying to bring him down as an All for one proceeds to slaughter the attacking troopers as Izuku pulls out his knife and charges at All for one!

"SON DON'T!" All might tries to warn, but it's too late, as Izuku plunges his blade into all for one's chest only to be slammed into the ground, knocking him unconscious.

"Izuku!!" Momo yells crying as They waich now in the massive crowd of people, waiching the battle in horror as all for one slaughters the troopers.

"Their losing..." Iida says.

"We have to save them!" Momo yells with Todoroki nodding in agreement, wanting to save his friend and hero.

"No!, it's too dangerous!" Iida says.

Tears fall down her cheeks as momo begins running to rescue Izuku and all might.

"Momo!" Shoto yells about to go with her but is stopped by Iida.

"No!, I promised midoriya I would protect you!" He says.

"Izuku!, Toshi!" Inko screams, crying a river as Mawata waichs together with Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki scared for their boyfriend

Back with All might and All for one...

"IZUKU!!" All might yells enraged as all for one tosses Izuku aside to continue their fight.

"Now shall we continue?" All for one, ask smiling.


Then suddenly, a giant blast hits all for one as all might and Gran torino look to see yaoyorozu with a large cannon coming out from her arm, with Aizawa, Nezu, the teachers, and her parents shocked and furious.

"What's she doing there!?" They all yell.

"Young Yaoyorozu!, what are you doing here!?, you need to leave now!!" All might yells

Momo immediately rushes to Izuku's side, moving him out of danger before taking off his helmet to make sure he isn't injured or bleeding. Luckily, he seems okay.

"I'm sorry... but I couldn't just stay and waich as that villain killed him. I'll deal with the consequences later. Just let me help." She begs

All might smiles, Yaoyorozu really has come a long way since the sports festival all because of Izuku, he had told him how he and the 501st we're training her but then stops grabbing them both and throwing them over to Gran torino as several blast hit All might as the smoke clears revealing All mights true form to the world shocking everyone.

All might smiles, Yaoyorozu really has come a long way since the sports festival all because of Izuku, he had told him how he and the 501st we're training her but then stops grabbing them both and throwing them over to Gran torino as several blast...

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"Who is that?"

"Is that all might?"

"It can't be, why dose he look like that? Everyone asks as David shield lowers his head, knowing that All might has lost.

"Much better, isn't it nice to know you know longer have to hide what you really look like All might?, now the world sees their hero for who he truly is, a bag of skin and bones."

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