chapter 51

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A- Are you okay...?" Kota asks, still in tears.

"Yeah, I'm fine, a little sore, but my armor protected me from most of his hits." Izuku says.

"Are you okay, Kota?" Izuku ask concerned checking him all over for injuries.

"Y-yes, I'm fine..." the boy says as Izuku looks up to see the forest consumed by blue flames.

"Despite all the blows not even live rounds from my pistols affected him, I only won because i used my jetpack, but not even that killed him, he was stronger then I thought and if all the villains in the forest are that strong this will be a challenge, but I must keep fighting." Izuku says, determined.

"But didn't you hear him?, you're one of their targets!" He says, worried for my safety.

"And bakugo is also on that list, if they're after him then it's possible all the students could be target's, I won't run away while they are all in grave danger, I'm a soldier Kota this is what I was trained for, we must tell Mr Aizawa and the pussycats, and besides I can still save the rest of the students." Izuku says, but kota doesn't say anything as they turn back to Muscular.

"Will leave him here for now, it'll take a while for him to wake up, but first I have to make sure your safe Kota, because I'm going to need your help with something only you can do." Izuku says, pointing to the burning forest.

"The forest is burning, meaning my friends could be trapped by the flames. That's why we need your water power, Kota."

"You want me to help..."

"We need you, kota. You can help everyone like you did for me today. Be our hero." He says, smiling under my helmet.

Hearing those words, tears fall from Kota's eyes, he was still terrified, but he wants to help as will, so he nods as Izuku picks him up in his arms.

"Come on, let's get you back to camp." I say as I begin running.

"But won't I just won't make you tired?" Kota ask.

"Nope, now hang on!" Izuku says, activating his jetpack as they fly down the cliff landing on the ground, only thanking one thing.

'Ochako, Momo, Yui, Todoroki, everyone, please be okay.' Izuku think as he runs.

Back with the others...

"You fake heroes only care about yourselves and must be purged!" The villain known as Spinner yells slashing at Mandalay, who dodges just in time.

"Spinner, even though you're a villain, you're pretty cool. Your face is totally my type." Mandalay says telepathy to spinner, making him stop and blush.


"What are you getting embarrassed about? How innocent! Besides, you're not really my type, I'm already interested in someone!" Mandalay yells, attacking him.

"That was a dirty trick!, you harlot!" Spinner complains as she is suddenly pulled by Magne, who has repaired her magnet, but is punched by Tiger freeing Mandalay.

"Eraser, Vlad!, will handle them!, get the students out of here!" Tiger yells.

"OK. Vlad, we'll lead the way." Aizawa says.

"Roger, class A!, class B! Get to the camp house now!" He orders.

"Yes, sir!" They all.

"No, you're not!" Big sis, Magne yells about to chase them, but Tiger stops her.

"And you're not as well." Tiger says as the two fight.

"Damn it, this is bad." Aizawa says, worried.

"Letting your worries get ahead of you, Eraser?" The villain known as Dabi asks suddenly beside him.

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