chapter 41

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Back in the Central Tower, all might is being scanned inside a chamber while David Shield looks at the results. Once it's done, Toshinori exits the chamber.

"I don't understand Toshinori. Your quirk levels are dropping rapidly. How is this possible?" He asks, pointing to his computer.

"I know you we're injured by that All for one villain, but these numbers are absurd!" He says, worried as all might cough.

"I guess after being a hero for so long, your body begins to fall apart." All might says liying.

"I wish I could tell you about OFA, but if I do... you end up in the fight against all for one." He thinks, looking at David sad.

"At this rate, the symbol of peace will disappear, the only reason the crime rate is so low is because of you..." David says, worried as all might think of a way to ease his friends nerves.

"Don't be so pessimistic Dave, this would is full of amazing people and it's because of people like you who are supportive of me, besides I can still be All might for a few hours a day, I'm not dead."

"And what if that monster returns?, what if you can't save us this time?!" He asked

"Dave, listen, even if that day comes (which it will), I don't intend to step down from my position." He says, smiling while thinking about Mirio
but more specifically, Izuku.

'There is still hope!, for the future of OFA, a new kind of hero will rise in my step son, and even if he doesn't take it, OFA will still be safe in young Togata.' He thinks as David sighs.

"So, you're dating the boys mother huh?, well I'm glad you finally found someone who makes you happy.

"It wasn't easy, we had a vary rough start, but we're closer than ever, and I'm considering proposing to her at the end of the summer." Toshinori says, shocking David.

"Well, I'm happy for you, Toshi." He says, smiling.

I'm back with Izuku and his group...
The group continued to walk around the Expo while izuku talked to Todoroki and the girls.

"The expo preview will close at 6 pm. Thank you for your visit. Enjoy the rest of your night!" The speaker says as we decide to head back to the cafe to meet with kaminari and mineta, who were exhausted.

"Man, I can't stand up anymore..."

"The Expo isn't even open to the public. If we're both like this, imagine what will happen tomorrow..."

"Did you really have to say that!?, I don't even want to thank you for it..." Kaminari yells, sad and worried.

"Hey Mineta, kaminari!" Jesse yells at them.

The two then look up to see where the ARC troopers voice came from and see her, Izuku, and the rest of the group.

"How was work?" Izuku asks with a smile.

"You must be proud of your hard work today." Iida says, praising the two while showing them two tickets.

"Uhhh...what are these?" Mineta asked, confused.

"These are tickets to the big reception tonight." Momo says.

"You mean a party?" He asked as he and kaminari began shaking.

"Are these two tickets for us?" Kaminari asks.

"Yeah, Melissa felt sorry for you two, for some reason..." Kyota says disappointed.

"She thought you should take a break." Ochako adds

"Will, I had a few extra tickets, and I don't see anything against you two going, I'd be happy if you came." She says as Kaminari and mineta cry in joy.

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