chapter 49

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As class 1-A continues their training, the students of Class 1-B walk through the forest following Vlad King.

"As you know, the entire class A got all the spotlight last semester, but this year it's class B's turn, do not let me down!" Vlad yells at his students.

'We're such disappointing students!' Tetsutetsu thinks clenching his fist crying.

"So how are we going to train our powers? we all have different abilities from each other, so how are we going to get stronger?" Setsuna ask.

"When your muscle fibers get overused they break down and grow back stronger, the same goses for your quirks as will, the more you use them, the stronger you'll be, that's what we're doing today, pushing you to your limits!" He says stopping as class B looks to see class A training, and needless to say, they are terrified.

"I know what your all thinking, this is what's best for all of you to evolve, those who have an activation need to maximize them, those of the hetermorphic type must train their body parts associated with their quirk." He says as one of the students , and their soul leave their bodies.

"Normally, this would be done as your bodies grow."

"But we don't have time for that." As Vlad and the students turn to see Aizawa approaching.

"Now that everyone is here, start training." He says tired wanting his sleeping bag.

"But once we enter, that will make only make thirty-nine students. Don't you think that's too many for just a few instructors?" Kendo asks, confused.

"That's why they're here to help."

"That's right!, and we're not the only ones who will help them!" A woman with long green hair and large round yellow eyes sporting a yellow version of the pussycats costume.

"That's right!, and we're not the only ones who will help them!" A woman with long green hair and large round yellow eyes sporting a yellow version of the pussycats costume

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Tomoko Shiretoko is also known as Ragdoll.

"Lock on with sparking gase!"

We've come to lend a paw to help!"

"Coming out of nowhere!" Tiger says

"Stingingly cute and catlike," Pixie-Bob says, getting into her pose.

"Stingingly cute and catlike," Pixie-Bob says, getting into her pose

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