chapter 52

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Target successfully collected, good night." Compress says through the radio, disappearing into the mist.

Meanwhile, Dabi, twice and moonfish, waited for him to arrive.

"Hey, Dabi! Did you hear the radio? I'm so pumped!, Mr. Compress already succeeded! Took him long enough! I was getting sleepy." Twice says.

"Don't say that. He did a good job. Now we just have to wait for everyone else to get back here." Dabi says.

"That's not right!, you're right!" Twice replies

"Meat." Moonfish says.

"You'll get your chance next time." Dabi says.

"This place was supposed to be hard to find because of the wall of flames and gas, but the gas is gone, things never go to plain, huh?" Dabi says.

"You're right. Things are going as planned." Twice replies


"Next time."

"Hey Dabi!, speaking of which, this has nothing to do with anything, but is it okay not to call the nomu?, you said it's only react to your voice right?, it's vary important!" Twice says.

"Oh, yeah, that guy."

"Be grateful!, bow to me!" Twice yells.

"A monster made specifically for me, from Shigaraki. It's probably killed at least one person by now." Dabi says as Toga appears.

"Huh?, no one else has come yet?" Toga ask.

"You lunatic, did you get any blood? How many people's worth?"

"Sorry, but I got none." She says sad.

"None?!, you were supposed to get at least 3!?" Twice yells.

"It can't be helped. They never separated, and I couldn't attack without being killed." Toga explains

"Looks like U.A. was more prepared than we expected, but at least we completed our mission." Dabi says as compress arrives.


"Oh, Mr. compress! Welcome back! You haven't lift yet!?" Twice yells.

"Did you get bakugo? Dabi asks.

"Of course, it was quite easy since no one realized he was gone." "Heh, so their still a bunch of stupid brats after all." Dabi says, smirking.

"Meat." Moonfish says, looking into the forest.

"Next time, moonfish." Dabi says.

"Meat!" Moonfish says again.

"Next time, freak." Dabi says, becoming annoyed.

"MEAT!" He says.

"Listen here, you frea- POW! POW! POW! POW! Dabi doesn't finish as blue blaster bolts fly twords them as they take cover.

"What the hell?!" Dabi yells, surprised.

"Who's shooting at us!?" Mr compress yells, unknowingly dropping the marble to the ground.

"Ow! Ow!, that feels good!" Twice yells, dodging the bolts as Moonfish raises twords the one firing.

Izuku flys in the air using his jetpack, firing his DC-17 pistols as moonfish comes to them fast.

"Everyone spit!" Izuku yells as he and Todoroki go lift while Krishima and Iida go right."

"Meat!" He yells, chasing them.

"Iida you, Todoroki and Kirishima keep him distracted, I'll get Bakugo!" Izuku orders as he rushes towards the rest of the villains.

"Get out of the way." Dabi says, lifting his arm.

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