chapter 43

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In the control room...

"Have you dealt with them yet?

"The super battle droids are busy with one group. The other is on their way here." The henchmen says, fiddling with the controls.

"You're kidding me? They really don't know when to give up!" The other says annoyed.

With Izuku...

After leaving the rest of the group, Izuku, Uraraka, and Melissa are now in an open area where there are several giant air turbines.

"What is this place?" Izuku ask.

"Wind power generators." Melissa says

"I see that, but why are we here?" He asks.

"There are a lot of robots in the tower that are waiting for us, but if we avoid them, look over there! There's an emergency door we can use." She says, pointing ahead.

"Great, so how are we all getting up there? I can use my jetpack, but I'm only going to be able to carry one of you." Izuku says.

"You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up."

"What!?" No, absolutely not. You'll be out numbered.

Ochako smiles, taking Izuku's hand.

"I'll be fine, go, reset the security system

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"I'll be fine, go, reset the security system."

Though extremely reluctant, Izuku nods as Melissa hands the DC-15s to Ochako.

"You might need that, be careful." She says, taking hold of Izuku as he activates his jetpack, flying them to the upstairs, but there's one problem, the wind from the propellers is too strong.

"The wind! It's too strong! My jetpack can't handle much more of this!" Izuku shouts.

"Deku!" Ochako yells as more sentinels arrive and are about to capture her when a large chunk of them explode off the building as Izuku looks to see  Todoroki, Krishima and Bakugo have arrived.

"Boys!" Izuku shouts, glad Todoroki and Krishima are alright, bakugo he could not care less if he dies or not.

Luckily, Todoroki see's the danger Izuku and Melissa are in as they run towards one of the closer fans.

"Bakugo blasts this fan towards midoriya!" He says

"Don't tell me what to do, Icey hot!" He yells but nevertheless complies while Todoroki blast his flames into the fan, giving it a boost as the blast brings the two back on couse as they look to see where about to hit the wall

"Hang on!" Izuku yells, lowering then and fires a rocket from his jetpack, blasting a hole through the wall for him and Melissa to enter.

'They made it!, lets hope they can get the system reset!" Kirishima says, smashing the sentinels with his hardend fist while Ochako fires blaster bolts from Izuku's carbine that destroying them.

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