Season 3|Chapter 127

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In South Korea

It was the winter season. Snow flakes were falling like a beautiful cry from the sky. People were busy in streets,going from shop to shop to buy a gift for their loved ones. Christmas is on the corner thus it was not surprising how crowded the streets were getting.

The moon was shining above the city like a gorgeous bride and city lights were lying beneath it like the bride's cascading veil. In this beautiful city,inside a restaurant,a girl in her early twenties were with her friends,just like others,enjoying her night. She was a bit tipsy from the round of alcohol game she participated. Her long black hair was messy yet her beauty stayed the same with no harm. Her nose and cheeks were all red because of alcohol which made her look like a seductive vixen.

"Jeon Harin! Are you sleeping?! Oi bitch!"

Hearing her best friend's voice across the table,she whined,"Screw off Yeonjun! I'm not sleeping!"

"You better! I don't want to drag your ass home after you passed out"

The girl,Harin,rolled her eyes at the chilidish man she called as her 'best friend'. The dude was a headache. The most annoying man in the world yet she always found herself taking care of this man like a little brother. But contrary to what she thinks,he was the one who always takes care of her mess every time she causes a ruckus. In simple words,he is good at putting up with her chaotic life. But she was genuinely having fun in her chaotic yet beautiful life.

"Stop it Yeonjun! Let her be! I don't want her going around the streets so she could pick stray cats home again. Let her sleep", A girl in their group of friends commented. She was genuinely concerned for the stray cats who would end up in Harin's house.

Harin,"Cats are cute! Specially those cold hearted ones! They are just too shy to love"

Another boy grimaced,"No offence but I like dogs. Cats hiss too much"

Harin,"Isn't that cute?!! It's like he is trying to curse you to death! Haha how cute"

Yeonjun,"Is that why you tried stealing the neighbour's white fat cat?"

Harin pouted as she fiddled with her fingers,"...I was meaning to bring it back home before they notice"

Somehow they continued to bicker more and drink more and at the end of the night,they were all hella drunk.

Harin was the first one to leave the pub. Normally,Yeonjun would always accompany her to her apartment but tonight,he didn't seem to want to go along with her. He just raised his shot glass and waved,"I'm going to stay a bit longer. Do you want me to hail you a cab?"

Harin shook her head,"Nope! I'm good~ See ya"

Yeonjun,"Yeah Yeah~ Look out for the devil bitch!"

Harin rolled her eyes and staggered out of the pub and called a cab before entering it. Look out for the devil? What nonsense. Ever since she was little,she had been hearing this nonsense about the devil. When she was born,a shaman had said that the devils eyes were on her and his shadow would always follow her. Her parents were worried so much but as she grew up without facing any trouble,the devil talk went to the dustbin with the time.

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