Season 2|chapter 64

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"Tell me demon,does every demon like you have wings?"

"Yes,we do"

"Then why haven't I seen wings on him?"

"Who do you mean?"

"Someone who used to be here. Someone who ruled here. Why doesn't he have wings?"

"I don't know. Maybe because his wings are cut off? Or maybe he is hiding them?"

"....he wouldn't hide them from me if he had"

"Then I'm afraid,he does not have wings anymore"

Hazel didn't know why she is conversing with a random demon she met in this dark pit of dungeon. Her hands were cuffed to the dirty blackened walls and a dirty rusty iron shackle was around her neck too. She wanted to sit but the cuffs and shackles prevented her from sitting. If her legs were to give in because of pain,she would stangle herself to death. In this pit of darkness,the only thing that kept her company was the demon boy who was also in the same dungeon cell. She didn't know why she is in the same cell as him,neither does she want to know.

What fascinated her was his black wings. She wondered why she didn't see wings on Dylan when he showed his true form to her.


"That staring at me",Jackson's voice cracked in the middle as he stared at the hell creature which is now staring back at him with a meat chunk in his jaw.

Pendragon men surrounded him in a protective circle as they tried to move past the creature.

"That's probably because you are the weakest ",Taehyung said as a matter of fact.

"So reassuring asshole",Jackson said in a sarcastic tone.

Somehow they managed to walk past the creature but still kept their gazes on it as they walked backwards. The creature didn't follow them back and went back to doing whatever it was doing.

"It is scarier than the beasts I fought back in the kingdom. Atleast I knew what I was fighting but this motherfucker....I can't even come to terms that it is a living creature",Yoongi said.

Kalisto sighed as he walked ahead again,"There will be a lot more creatures like that. After all,this is hell"

"For someone who had come here for the first time,you seen to know a lot father",Namjoon commented.

"What —"

When Kalisto looked back to respond,he paused. Because no one was there. His sons are gone. Even Jackson had gone missing. They were there just a second ago but where are they? Upon realising something,his eyes widened. " can't be. We are not even half past the forest.....shit!It got them!"

Jackson blinked as he found himself alone. "Huh",he looked around and no one was there. The surrounding was not unfamiliar because he had walked this path few minutes ago with Pendragons. How did he come back? He was with them just a second ago but now he is back to where they started. Wait.....he heard that very familiar grinding sound and stiffened. He broke into a cold sweat as he looked back slowly only to find that meat grinding hell creature staring back at him.

Jackson couldn't help but to laugh at the situation he was in. "Oooh you got me alone now,huh? Like what you see?"


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