Season 3|Chapter 112

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"That's why I left. I knew everything. So if I stayed,Pendragons would have used me to get to Nabi",Ruby placed a cup of tea on the table before sitting down on her chair.

Luca took the tea cup and took a small sip,"....shitbabe did not have to do this for me. Do you really believe I would sacrifice myself for her?",He scoffed.

Ruby gave him a look making him clear his throat.

Ruby,"You said you haven't seen Jaykar in years too. You didn't go looking for him?"

Luca looked away,"...I did not"



Though he did not say it in words,Ruby could guess the reason. He was scared. He was scared to go and find something unexpected.....or maybe deep down he knows. Jaykar was not in the traitors' list but who could say definitely he was not one.

Luca,"...He sends his golden butterflies from time to time to Sir Namjoon to inform about the kingdom matters but he never really contacts the Pendragons directly anymore"

Ruby,"And he never sends a butterfly to you?"

" But I could feel them around me"

The two fell into a silence. Ruby sat down on the opposite chair and took her own tea cup before taking a sip. "He is the shadow guard commander,they don't act under the broad day lights,maybe that's why —"

"Stop bullshitting me diamond bitch",Luca scoffed with an eye roll. He spoke in a strained voice,"The nine commanders under Nabi,one of them has the power to manipulate evil souls. Black flying insects similar to butterflies.....I really wonder who that is"

Ruby stared straight into Luca's blank eyes. "....."

"No one is dumb,maybe it's precisely because he is a shadow guard that he is out of everyone's sight but to Pendragons,his identity is no secret",Luca continued. Everyone in the Pendragon family knew that their shadow guard commander is no longer trustable,a person who works for both sides,a double agent. But no one speaks up. Because he is under Nabi's command.

"Jaykar is one of the nine catastrophes",Luca stated with no questioning tone at all. "Logan,Lucy,Julia,Nakamura,Gaara,Nine,the blindfold mage,the Queen Beatrice and last but not least Jaykar"

Ruby said nothing to confirm his statement. She silently sipped her tea.
She gazed at Luca who was just blankly staring down at his tea. "....Luca,do you not want to know about your sister?"

Luca used to get all angry at the slightest mention of his sister but time had past. He is no longer that hot blooded youth who would curse the streets as if his dog bit his ass. A mature man he is today.  "I do not hate her anymore. But I don't know what to feel about her. It feels like talking about a stranger. I guess I'm worried because my parents are worrying too much thinking about her"

Ruby sighed at the terrible fate Lucy had to face. And she could not even reveal the truth to that woman's younger brother. Knowing Luca,she knew that the man would definitely pull out his own core without thinking about his own life.

The seven villains are my brothers[BTS ff]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora